
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhatsUp, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Oh no, not again. I wished it would never being posted anymore.
  2. I was raised a Catholic now im an agnostic
  3. Islam, Moslems, 
  4. Nobody wants to argue my points?
  5. Come back when you have an intelligent thing to say about religion :)
  6. What wasn't intelligent about my argument? If you are gonna put down an opinion, provide a legit reason or two.
  7. im an atheist and i go to church.

    i like hearing what they have to say. the life lessons that the speakers have to offer. i just take out all the religion.

    i have many friends and family that go to church. its a good time to catch up on things. also i get free coffee and donuts.

    i feel that religion is just something that i have to live with as an atheist. anger and hate and rejection might get me somewhere, but acceptance and understanding and happiness will get me even farther.

    one of my favorite quotes about religion is "pray to god, fine. but keep rowing to shore." its about trying to live life objectively, and to be accepting and understanding.
  8. Rudy.. So.. "Pull and Pray" is not your favourite quote?
  9. :/
  10. So does anyone understand Multiverse Theory?? ..why is it if you believe in Multiverse you can't necessarily believe in God? From what I've read you pretty much have to choose between the two? But seems to me if you believes in an Infinite number of possible Universes you'ld have to believe God existed in at least one of them? ...right? lol
  11. Theres that many Religions but the only way to get to god is thru his son jesus christ simple as simon says puts your hads on your head but if you miss the train your going to firey pits of hell whr your burn forever with the zafties
  12. LMFAO going on my 4th year on KaW, these threads never cease because you know it will turn into a huge debate tbh love it!
  13. I spoke to Jesus, he couldn't hear me tho as he was busy mowing my lawn
  14. If youve ever spoke to some leading physicists, it isnt just whack jobs and the simple minded that are for religion.

    Almost all the physicists youll find at the LHC and at CERN are certainly religious, so are a lot of leading astro physicists, to them the probability of our existence is so negligible that we shouldn't even be here as well as so many phenomenon that are said to be "just coincidence" but work so well and fit together so nicely they just can't see it all being down to chance.
  15. No religion can be wrong or right, because there is no evidence that a certain religion is the right one.
    A religion can only be right or wrong for the individual person.
  16. I could debate all of the believers out there. And the odds of any believer winning that debate are slim to none.

    However, I won't bother until they have done the following:

    There are plenty of religions out there. They all claim to be the only true religion. Let them debate each other first. Let them try to disprove the other religions first and review the arguments they have used to disprove the other religions. If they use those same arguments on their believes and their religion still holds up, I ll debate em ...

    All hail the flying spaghetti monster...
  17. Actually the old Norse / Danish pagans didn't believe there was only one religion, to them it made sense there was a Christian God, what they couldn't understand is how Christians claimed there was only one God.
  18. I wish I could upvote this. Most atheists, scientists, whatever don't take the time to understand what religion is.

    Religion is a set of beliefs followed by people. It serves as a compass, guiding those who follow it morally. Most people think this is all it is.

    But it's much more. It leads to a greater understaning of your world. It gives you a clear outlook on your enviroment and the people in it.

    OP just slapped a label on religion, like the Crusades or Islamic extremists. That's not religion. That's war. That's the own stupidity of people, trying to validate their exploits by using a warped perception of a religion. Religion is so much more.
  19. Islam, Christianity, Judaism. Three major "Western" religions.

    At their base is the exact same principle: On God.

    What varies is barely noticeable. Jews believe God has yet to walk the Earth after the fall of humanity.

    Christians believe that Jesus Christ, a very real person, was God himself.

    Muslims believe that God used Mohammed to spread his teachings and a "reformed" version of Judaism.

    They all are the same at their base. Please actually learn something before posting.