Ask the next person a question

Discussion in 'Activities' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. From what i just looked up its from a short video used to incite laughter at the expense of the mentally challenged.

    What is your favourite aspect of kaw?
  2. EE(Shame that am really bad at it :/)

    One question you wouldn't ask your partner?
  3. That im cheating on her

    What the best way to get a girl to love you again..
  4. Not sure which meaning..... But best way to get a girl to love you is to bring her flowers and homemade chicken fried rice

    why did you just do that?
  5. i don't know what u mean by "that".

    Who won the last National Basketball Association championship?
  6. In b4 lock ; reserved
  7. Lmao Wut?

    Is pvp suckish?
  8. yeah kinda, can be fun but the rewards aren't good enough really.

    What time is it in Dublin, Ireland?
  9. 17:38 yaaa baby

    Who is the rap God
  10. Dont think anyone is

    what was the last fruit u had?
  11. Apple

    How much water have you drunk today?
  12. I don't drink I just inhale alot of steam.
    What is your favorite limb?
  13. My right arm.

    Do you like chicken?
  14. Yup

    Can you post a funny gif plz?
  15. No gif. But here's a moonface.


    Any clans doing pitchfork ebs?
  16. Yea. Clans are definitely doings pitchfork ebs.

    Some of us play games to escape reality. When you play do you act different then you would in person? In effect role playing yourself in-game?
  17. Nah. I troll and annoy people in rl too.

    What's the time in Asia rn?
  18. Its changing every second so can't tell

    Can gravity act upwards?
  19. Chernobyl has proven to be a great wildlife reserve as humans cannot inhabit the area. Do you think that we should purposely create nuclear dumps in order to create wildlife reserves that can protect endangered animals?
  20. That gravity question does not make sense in the way it is being asked.

    If I had a black hole that was 100 times the mass of earth and held it above my head, then gravity would go up. But at the same time I would be upside down and therefore gravity would be going down. So the question is illogical.