Should KaW Be 18-Plus Age-Rated?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. You just contradicted yourself...

    The age limit will not stop people playing. It stops KaW being liable for exposing children under the age req to vulgar language etc. If they play while under the age limit (which they will) then they can't get annoyed about mature content. But as it stands now, the age req is stopping us from talking about certain things or expressing ourselves in certain ways.

    Tbh, maybe 9+ was suitable when the game first came out but I don't think it is anymore.
  2. What exactly do you need to express or openly speak about that you can't now? You have clan chat, ally chat and pms all of which are not moderated. Even some "mature" players do not wish to be exposed to "mature" content.
  3. We can openly speak in WC and forums, can we? Sorry but the way I see it is mods and devs are coming down harder and harder on things said in forums and WC these days. I believe there is a line between being downright vulgar and hateful towards others for no reason (which ToU should moderate) and choosing to use words that society has deemed as inappropriate but is really only another way of expressing yourself. There are 'swear' words censored and silenced for that to me, is plain stupid. I've seen people's threads locked and silences in WC for making an adult joke. Why? Because it's inappropriate for a 9 year old.

    I'm not in any way saying that we should be able to do and say whatever we want to whoever we want withput consequence. That would be absolute mayhem. Of course we need rules. But is this game suitable for 9 year olds anyway, even with the ToU restrictions? How is the trash talking (yes within the bounds of the ToU) any better than swearing at someone or making an adult joke? Don't both expose 9 year olds to words and phrases inappropriate for that age group? So it's okay for a 9 year old to see people tearing into each other in WC (as often happens when there's an OSW) but saying a swear word is wrong?
  4. I think one would have to be pretty well-sheltered to believe that anything a child might/could be exposed to in this game is any worse than they're already easily capable of exposing themselves to.

    I think it's more about parenting. I had super strict helicopter parents, so any chance I got to exercise a little freedom, I went all out. Put it this way - by the time I was 12 years old, there were no new experiences left as far as "adult activities" are concerned - and that was BEFORE the Internet existed in its current form.

    I have no doubt that any child with the will can find anything he/she wants to find. The Internet makes that very easy.

    Let's not fool ourselves by assuming that an age rating is going to shelter a child from the real world when that child's parents have handed them a device that has the capability to connect to anything anywhere in the world.

    I believe that any parent who hands their child a tablet, cell phone or PC and then walks away, leaving their child alone with the open web should just assume that they're going to be exposed to all the open web has to offer - both good and bad.

    What determines what a child will choose to do with that kind of powerful access, I believe, depends upon the parenting and the personality of the child. I have friends who monitor their kids' web activity and I have friends who don't watch their kids online.

    But even if you're as careful as you can be as a parent, guess what happens when you drop them off in the care of the government's institution of education every morning? They mix and mingle with the very worst and best kids society has to offer. So no matter what you try to do as a parent, you can't protect them from the Internet. All it takes is a single careless parent handing their kid an unrestricted cell phone or tablet and sending them off to school with it. Guess what all the other kids wanna do? They wanna see the unrestricted device content. Kids are smart and curious.

    But this isn't about child safety - it's about shelter from liability and whether there's financial gain to be had from unchaining our chat.

    How important is the under age player base from a direct or indirect financial standpoint? I have zero clue.
  5. if kaw 18 Billy won't be able to steal his mum's credit card to buy seals :((((
  6. Restricting the age of KaW to 18 would remove a significant portion of players. That is assuming that the ages I've found players to be are representative of ratios to the community.

    The younger generation are more likely to take to a game like this than the older generation in my opinion. This is because of the time required to dedicate to the game and the style and feel of it.
  7. Who is to say 18 is better?
    Idk if age makes ppl smarter or better.
    The vulgar types r hardly adults but those same ppl believe its acting like an adult.
    Now that is stupidity in its highest form.
    Therefore its status quo IMO
  8. Only posts threads that people can actual post thought out posts on you mean? Shoot the man for contributing good thread topics to forums.

    And Drgn kinda hit the nail on the head. It'd be nice for us vulgar adults, but not fair at all to the children.
  9. Raising the age requirement doesn't remove ToU or let people say whatever they want to whoever they want without consequence. It'll just loosen the reigns a little without feeling so restricted in what we can and can't say. It isn't the difference between being able to be vulgar or not.

    It's got nothing to do with being vulgar. There would still be restrictions on what we can and can't say/discuss. Increasing age req doesn't mean I can shout at the top of my lungs in WC every swear word under the sun.

    Not being fair on children? You really think an age req will keep them out? :lol: It won't. But it allows for a little more freedom of speech without ATA being liable for content inappropriate for a 9 year old. If the age req is 15 and the player is 10, it's up to the parent to be monitoring their child online.

    We're not allowed to swear or make a sexual joke (just as an example) but we can trash talk anyone (with in reason). So what's the difference? Swearing is frowned upon because of the 9 year old age req but the trash talking in WC is fine because there's no swear words?

    If a 14 year old is playing and the age req is raised to 17, they're not going to stop playing if they enjoy the game. If a 13 year old gets his iPod out and finds KaW, do you think an age req will stop him?

    I don't believe this will effect the player base in as much of a way as people have suggested. Isn't censorship, silences and locking of threads just as much as a problem? Aren't we losing players that way too? Even if comments are barely anything to frown upon. I don't think the age req should be 18 but I think 9 is too low.
  10. Totally agree here. I'm an adult and swearing and adult content is vulgar and uneeeded whether you're a child or an adult. If you want to air out your dirty laundry and cuss go find some mates in rl to do that with and leave ppl alone who wish not to surround themselves with immature behaviour. The game is rated pg in my country, not 9+, for parental guidance which means any age group could b playing this game anyway...its up to parents to prevent kids using it if needed. Learn the tou properly like many others do and are never silenced if you are so worried about it, i honestly don't know how any1 finds it difficult not to follow kaw's easy rules.
  11. Yes we do want to raise the age req just so we can swear :roll: Seriously? That's not the point of raising the age req, at all.

    It's easy to follow ToU, for the most part. But lately I think some ToU lines have become blurred with harsher crack down on comments that are barely frowned upon. An age req of 9 is too low...but 18 is too high. I think somewhere in between is okay.

    And South you don't think airing dirty laundry and vulgarity is needed so do you also think trash talking in WC and forums ought to be silenceable? Really, what's the difference? Neither are really suitable for 9 year olds. Where do you draw the line for what's suitable?
  12. it depends, there is harmless trash talking like saying "You're terrible at kaw cos u can't pvp, etc" and there is harmful trashtalking like dissing a persons family or culture which starts bordering on harassment and more personal insult..i think the first type is acceptable while the later should b silenceable.
  13. Can I have them?
  14. What about people 3 years older? -insert moonface here-
  15. Nope, have you seen some of the people who play Kaw, I'm having a hard time believing they are actually adults

    Mental age of 5, 6 on a good day. But hey we gotta whack hte and cry when someone takes our virtual gold
  16. Lel. The catfish.
  17. Will making KAW 17 plus bring ATA more revenue?
    Probably not

    Would making KAW 17 plus cost ATA revenue?
    Even by the smallest amount, prob yes it'll never happen

  18. Maybe just a new adult oriented kaw type game. Instead of new games aimed toward mostly youngsters
  19. Just saying, KaW Classic and KaW Advanced...
  20. I see the validity of it being 18 , and also 9 or 13 whatever it currently is. Personally, I'm happy to take a hit if I'm out of order, but I'm finding more and more an almost zero tolerance for anything even remotely humorous with images in forums. When you have someone with a fantastic forums standing, being banned for what I deem trivial crap, then it's no wonder after the update things seem a little slower.

    Forum moderators, yes ban hammer the infringements , but there's no need to ban ppl for putting or inserting images that anyone could see on any episode of Baywatch.

    Baywatch, I feel so old..... Yet so ALIVE