Petition for Making a Gifting Feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by One-BaDaSs_PaiN-In_Ur-AsS_LiLi, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Partially. 
  2. Ask Drgn. He knows.
  3. tsk, tsk, tsk... what kind of perks from a mod are we talking about? :)

    then again, goes hand in hand with those leaked ss's.
  4. Yeah, totally.
  5. drgn was totally innocent though.

    What ss's were you looking at, lili?
  6. Drgn? Innocent? Hahahahahaha
  7. @warrior

    I mean he didn't do crap during that "event".

    His name was barely mentioned and he was rarely seen in the ss's.

    Infact, he was badmouthed by the "guilty".
  8. He has a point... They do that on Pimd cuz you're allowed to gift Nob
  9. I'm no fan of gifting but rather ppl play n earn what they gain. That said i'd suggest we can sell off unwanted inventory for gold or BB. From there maybe all that is sold off can be made available in a unique eb or event to be won.
    Maybe pot luck or grab bag type rewards idk.
    Possibly new players get 1 grab bag to start.

    Anyways thats my random thought on this.
  10. No, just no. ATA gives enough noob candy as it is...
  11. No Support, might as well just hand out LC on all lands while you're at it.