Factions (event teams) and the continuation of them

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DeFi-NiTeLy_DemonicDamien, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. If factions continue in events, I want to suggest something to add to it. There's always a pvp side to each event. I think the only people in your battle list should be the people on the opposing faction. Also war setups should be the same way. This way you're helping your faction get more items in the event. I know it doesn't change much by doing this but it would make a small difference and would be a great idea overall. Add on to the idea :).
  2. This is a wonderful idea. Adds to the competition aspect of it. Support
  3. Great idea but i'm not sure if there are enough pvper's to create enough targets if the comp was split in half, although if there are full support :)
  4. I love this idea. Simple yet genius. Full support.
  5. Great idea, there should be a way for the trailing side to "steal items" away from the leading side. Support!
  6. Not enough people cast for pvp as it is, mainly because the pvp blitzes are jokes. Splitting the battle list will just reduce the already minuscule ability to find a non-osf target.
  7. Increase PvP rewards = increase in players, it's directly proportional.

    Last weekend the PvP rewards were terrible, there was less than 300 participants after about 4 hours. As soon as devs increased them (with no communication to us, and all I could see in forums was my ranting, so I'll take the credit for that) it jumped MASSIVELY.

    Increasing the rewards makes sense, there is no down side to it, not one.
  8. Support, great idea
  9. Support, great idea
  10. Yeah def a good point there
  11. Support and I don't even pvp.
  12. I don't think factions will continue due to the 'alt exploit' :(
  13. But this thread is ideas to add on to it in case it does continue
  14. This would be a great idea! The only problem is low number of opt in players :( having 7 wreaths puts me at rank 640 so there seems to be very few players.

    If the pvp event included silver bars again I'm sure there would be more participants!
  15. Support.
    Adds a bit of dimension and more opposition and "team loyalty" to this.
  16. That was my point to the idea