I'll admit that the new lay out isn't spectacular and takes a bit of getting getting used to. But it seems to have taken the life out of forums. Obviously the new lay out isn't going to be revised. So I wonder whether the lull in activity will continue or if players will slowly start to wander back in to forums. Lmao Twinky :lol: I've gotten used to the thread layout but have yet to take the time to remember the colour changes in the speech bubbles. Mostly I just remember what I have and haven't posted on :lol:
This totally sums up my forum experience, I couldn't have described it more accurately. Moderation seems to be at an all time high these days though...
I feel the devs need to address us about this controversy and allow a bit of discussion. The information is out, it isn't right to just ignore it.
Couldn't agree more, chuck. Frankly, I can't imagine any harm that could come as a result of an open discussion about these issues. We hash it out then move forward as a community. But that's just the cheese in me talking.
Players feeling as if they can't discuss something without any reason or explanation as to why can definitely impact on forum activity. The moment something is shut down immediately with no explanation whatsoever just makes people more aggravated. If players don't feel they're being heard/considered is detrimental to the game...it makes for a negative environment rather than a positive one.
Which, in turn, leads to those "in the know" and those "soon to be in the know." There are two camps: 1. Suppress all discussion of the topic. 2. Own it. Take control of the situation by offering an official explanation, followed by an open period for discussion and commentary, and finally a policy revision based on the needs/interests of the community that's balanced with those of the dev team. Most successful corporations choose option 2, since it allows for healing and feelings of mutual respect. Cover ups rarely bode well for companies. All you have to do is look in the App Store and read the reviews to see how well the cover up is working.
Anyone else had it when they have to reconfirm posts after someone else posts, and it never actually posts it?!?! Anyway, long ass post referencing 1938 Germany, civil rights and mono-coloured things not being exciting etc. Give a kid a grey top and a rainbow top, which will it choose?!
At first I really hated this new lay out and function. But now as I use it more and scroll through forums, I have grown to like it. Possibly we just all need time to get use to it and then activity will pick up again.
Do some forums have vote button embedded type stuff nowadays? That would be cool, you know for fun voting , forum type of cool stuff.
This isn't the place to single out mods and complain. I'm more interested in what has caused activity to drop. You can explain without finger pointing. Singling out mods isn't what my thread is about. I agree that ambiguous locks and commment removal is probably contributing to lower activity. Perhaps better explanation from devs clarifying some points would be helpful. It seems some lines of the ToU are...blurred.
Daphnia's thread was locked and cleared because the majority of the posts were off topic which is technically in breach of the forum rules. In regards to the forum's new layout, I actually like it. It took me a while to get used to it but now it's really clear and obvious for me. I do agree the forums are a bit 50 shades though.
You guys act like this is all something new.. There has been a lot, and when I say a lot I really mean all of it, is corrupt.. Since day one this game has been corrupt.. This last weekend was like finding out about Christmas and Easter and the tooth fairy all at the same time for a lot of people.. But that's not the reason for the slow down.. The slow down has been here for months and months and months because no one cares to post anything worthwhile.. We're not allowed to discuss controversial or unpleasant topics like adults because it'll just get deleted or flamed like the Hindenburg.. Hell were not even allowed to have any fun really, because if you wear clown shoes in here you will be banned.. So for many people, they're left asking why post, why bother making an awesome thread? The death of forums has been coming for quite some time.. The new change, coupled with the gestapo, has just sped up the process.. Until they let the reigns loosen up a little though, forums will be dead before the end of the year.. Rip Forums
And you are also part of the problem - ruining what's left of a once great game - Ashes being run off, silencing because you don't like what players have to say about certain mods or ex Mods - deciding what posts should be deleted - the forums were a GREAT thing in this game - it is disgusting what is happening lately
You've made some excellent points, Prime! But I think part of the problem with discussing controversial topics is that some players can't discuss the issues maturely without it becoming a personal argument and attack. Threads tend to start off well but then some players starts attacking each other and then the thread is locked and there goes the discussion. Mods, players and devs alike need to take responsibility. I agree some more leniency might be required. Maybe target problem players in a thread rather than locking it. I know many people can carry on a great debate, but the thread is locked because of a minority.