Has anyone else noticed?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IA-CrazyRuggy, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. Hello KaWmunity :grin:

    Has anyone else noticed that forum activity seems to have gone down since the release of the new forum format? Perhaps I'm just imagining it :lol: But it seems to me that less threads have been made and sometimes there's ages between posts in AT. Thoughts?

    This isn't the place to discuss your like or dislike for the new forum format and to hate on devs for it, I'm simply interested in whether others think there has been a decrease in activity since the release.

    I wonder if it's simply a coincidence? Or has the layout maybe discouraged people from participating in forums as much? Or do you think activity hasn't changed at all?
  2. I suppose there just is nothing to talk about... At least nothing controversial
  3. Yup , I agree . Not much new to discuss but things we want for the game but devs won't do doodoo about it
  4. That's a good point.
  5. There are no coincidences.. Only aliens..
    I actually blame The baby Jesus.. Honestly though, Jeremy Clarkson probably made them do it..

    Goddamn orangutang...
  6. ^
  7. *Posts thread*
  8. Ive noticed it to. Ill check forums sometimes at work. Come back hours later and theres one new comment on one thread lol.....activity has dropped

    The new colors are depressing tbh
  9. I've seen that several times since the new lay out also, Primal. There's always going to be lulls in activity obviously but I've never noticed it as much as since the new layout.
  10. Thoughts on why, Witch?
  11. I have noticed few active treads but they are disappearing very fast.
  12. I have also noticed a strong correlation between forum activity and the new layout.

    There's also a chilling effect from censorship. People want to discuss the recent controversy. The community really needs to have a place to share our feelings. This used to be the place to do it, but that's being curtailed by censorship. Which I suspect is leading many people to feel helpless and exacerbated and less motivated to post in this forum.

    But what do I know? I'm just an artificially-flavored dairy product.
  13. It's possible people are seeing their threads/comments disappearing with no explanation and clarification as to why? In light of recent events there has been a few deleted posts (we're not here to discuss that situation), maybe there needs to be more clarification on what we can and can't post. Seeing threads and comments disappear without much clarification (in any situation) probably contributes to people posting less.

    I have seen correlation between new lay out and lower activity also. But in saying that, correlation does not imply causation.
  14. Technically speaking you're an artificially flavored chemically altered secretion of the bovine mammary gland. :ugeek:

    I've noticed a difference in the amount of forum activity, and I think there is a definite correlation to the new forum layout.
  15. :lol:

    I think we were all formed from some sort of secretion. Just because I came from bovine secretion doesn't make me any less of a person ️
  16. The forum looks great but i feel like it's lost that "good 'ol feel", it just makes some people not want to get on the forums.

    That and the fact that there are so many libtards in every "political" thread.

  17. Forums are more like a puzzle now. Instead of replying, i find mysElf trying to figure out which are posts, and who posted what...

    Some of the puzzles must be set on hard.
  18. Btw has anyone seen Ashes? I kinda miss him.
  19. I think he's currently banned  not sure tho