New Features for Clans

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _________Buster-McThunderstick, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. I like the layout of your thread. Content wasn't read, I was too busy admiring how pretty the thread was
  2. lmao same here
  3. Nice thread but No support stupid ideas d:
  4. Firstly, as already been said, the only reason third party apps are used is because there's no mass messaging system already a part of KaW. It would be easier and save time if it was implemented. The only advantage of a third party app is the ability to share pictures. But in the management of a clan, I'm sure we can do without and switch to another app only when needed.

    Secondly, it's easy for us and for others because we are familiar with the forums. On the other hand, new players and even older players who don't check forums are not as familiar. Being able to see a clan thread is a nice little tweak. But really the best thing is having a quick link to helpful guides - it can really help a lot for new players.

    And thirdly, it isn't about being lazy. There are times in a clan when all admins (or whatever they're called these days) aren't on. If someone is to apply at such a time they can be accepted or rejected. Then there'll be no people waiting at the door and this can help with the clan running smoothly.
  5. I support these ideas as well.
  6. I think this could help out with the new clan leadership roles. I could see an exploit in the ally clans where you could list another clan as an ally and they could list another one and so on, making huge ally families. Maybe remedied by making the other clan have to accept the ally request (similar to the follow request) in order for both clans to become allies.
  7. Of course! I thought that and ment that but didn't write it! However thank you for reminding me, it has been added into that section!!
  8. Support.. nice post.
  9. thread looks fab

    Admin chat and PM all members. Add those two to clan features and i'd be happy
  10. Support! Great idea.
  11. Support, especially on the last one.
  12. Nice thread, well thought out, however I think changes concering clan features probably won't be implemented for a while to to the recent clan update. But you never know, devs could surprise us.
  13. Support!

    @kaw_community do this please
  14. A really good idea 