Reward Dungeon

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by CharIie, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. I recently reinstalled pimd and I noticed the game had changed and improved since I last used it.

    There was one feature that struck me. It was the slot machine feature where you would watch ads in order to earn coins until you earn enough to take a spin and earn a reward.

    Now I'm not saying we copy this exactly because a slot machine wouldn't really fit in to kaw's design lol.
    So I recommend we base it on the same idea but change it to suit kaw. Hence my idea of the Reward Dungeon

    The Reward Dungeon

    so this would be a place in kaw where you can go and attempt to get a reward.

    A line of chests would appear and in a short animation you could swipe the chests along and they can keep on going round until they stop on a highlighted chest that will open giving you a reward.

    I think there should be a limit of 1 spin per day.

    To earn a spin you would collect 1 key for watching an ad. You would need 5 keys to open the doors to the dungeon.

    This would bring money into the game and would give something for players to look forward to each day.

    The colour and rewards in the chests would be as follows...

    2x Seal of the damned
    8x Gold crux chests
    25x Nobility
    100x Silver Bars
    100x Aqua/Inferno

    Ultra Rare
    x1 Seal of the damned
    x2 Free land explorations
    x2 Gold crux chests
    x50 Aqua/inferno

    x1 Seal of the damned
    x1 Free land exploration
    x1 Gold crux chest
    x20 Aqua/inferno

    x2 Horn
    x2 normal crux
    x10 Aqua/inferno
    x1 5%plunder bonus
    x10 Speakers

    x1 2% plunder bonus
    x5 Aqua/Inferno
    x5 Speakers

    You would be given one of the rewards in each chest, it will be given randomly not chosen by you. Obviously the better the chest , the lower the chance of getting it.

    So what do you think about this idea?
    Support or nah?

    A new tier of rewards has been added in accordance to forumers opions. Other tiers have been edited a bit also :)
  2. Support!
  3. Yep great idea! Support
  4. 10 seals of the damned, 10 crux chests? Lol as if kaw inflation isn't bad enough already
  5. Access to these rewards should be more limited, otherwise this is a well thought idea.
  6. How would you guys prefer the reward scheme?
  7. I guess The devs will calculate the chance to get rare and ultra rare by how much money you put in the game.

    Seriously tho, somd of the ultra rare should be more difficult to get, like legendary (0.50-0.95% chance)
    10x gold crux chest is insane. I know it is ultra rare but still. Rare should be 5x crux chest, ultra rare 5x gold crux chest.
  8. Yes the chance would be very small. Probably like 0.25/10 chance. Whereas common would be like 6/10.
  9. I support but needs some changes.
  10. Please list. Giving feedback about this idea is the whole point. The devs will take on your opinion and idea about it also. :)
  11. First, some rewards, mostly the gold crux chests, could be earnt but the amount is too high in the ultra rare. 5 gold crux chest would be fine. In rare, it should be 3 normal crux chest, uncommon only 1. Crux should not be that easy to get.

    Second, the free land should be in another section (legendary). It should be a ticket, unsellable.

    Third, there should be 2 sorts of wheel. The one you suggested and another one that you can use every 3 days. With it, you have a VERY low chance to get commons. The wheels should not cost any money or nobs, but if it is implanted, ATA won't listen for sure.
  12. If ATA does implement this, I see them making it so you can pay to spin more per day.

    Their only goal is to milk a dying cash cow. Get that in your head and suddenly you understand ALL of ATAs motivation.
  13. Support although I'd love to see silver bars there too.
  14. The point is that this would be a good idea to have... It's not like the devs have to do the exact rewards suggested.
  15. Make it cost 14 Nobs per spin and allow unlimited spins, then we might actually see this implemented.
  16. Land explorations!? My next land costs 2.4T... No way. Otherwise I like it.
  17. Support, but I too agree with silver bars and land being a legendary spin. However I think the tickets could just be random drops in ebs. With legendary tickets only available from shop via purchase. While we would all like the free drops the devs are going to want to make money from it.
  18. support but only as long as its hidden somewhere behind another tab, i don't want to end up seeing it as a pop up everytime i enter the game.
  19. The devs used to give out free land explorations about a year ago, I feel this would be a good way to bring them back.
  20. With so many events I thought that silver bars would be a bit pointless. But maybe like 5 silver bars could be a reward.