No longer in control of your own threads?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pie, Mar 4, 2016.

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  1. I'll start by saying that this will likely be the final thread that I make on kaw. And also very likely the last activity of any sort.

    I saw a thread by the devs regarding changes to forum policy. They have changed the RoC so that OPs can no longer request that certain individuals refrain from posting on their thread for breaking the RoC/ToU or inappropriate behaviour such as derailment.

    Their reasoning for this change is that it will allow freedom of speech.

    Does anyone else see this as a problem? Because I haven't seen any reaction to this and frankly I'm not a fan. Now if someone is trying to derail your thread, you have no way of stopping them. Yes, there's a report button on posts, but until this alert gets responded to, your threads can continue to be derailed.

    If we're so concerned about ToU/RoC-Breakers having complete freedom of speech on forums, why don't we unban all forum banned accounts, as they're currently not able to have freedom of speech on forums? That's what logic would appear to dictate?

    I've been on the cusp of retirement for a very long time and this has given me the final reason.

    Just curious as to how this works because there has been no explanation by the devs. Someone explain it to me? :lol: I may just be derping, but need clarification.
  2. The option of "muting" others from posting on their thread was abused where people did not break the TOC, and that silences right to speech.

    I think the devs made the right choice.
  3. Where is this thread? Just wondering
  4. OPs were only allowed to ask people to leave if they broke the RoC/ToU. If that person hadn't breached either of these, then the person was able to continue posting, regardless of being asked to leave or not
  5. Page 4 of active topics. Entitled "change to forum policies"
  6. It's locked so I can't bump it for you
  7. What :oops:

    So if Skinny and Onesy (just as an example) get in a piss off annoying argument on my thread I can't get them booted off?
  8. Not until your report gets responded to I guess
  9. What's the problem? Not hard to ignore what they say.

    There's nothing worse than that guy who's acting a moron on their own thread and crying for people to leave lol.
  10. I really agree with the change the devs did. I've wondered why it was like that before. It makes no sense that the OP can "ban" someone from the thread for no reason. As long as it's not breaking any of the forum rules, it should be okay.

    If it does break the forum rules, the player can just contact a mod or click the Report button, and the posts will be deleted.

    Even if you have created the thread, you shouldn't be able to just choose which players that can post on the thread. Everyone should be able to post on the thread.
  11. First off, people who violate roc can earn a ban if they are disruptive, so report them and they will be dealt with. Nothing has changed.
    As for you saying "now you have no way to stop them", you didn't have a way before either.
  12. Im fine with it, a derailed thread can still be a productive thread to the community and if every slight derail is met with "hey go away" then it's a flawed rule. Additionally, what is and isnt derailment is too vague and entirely down to the perception of the aim of the thread. Aka op may think it's derailing but poster does not.

    Im happy about rhe changes. Less headaches

  13. This

    Also, it doesn't really appear that you were ever active so I'm not sure how things are going to change for you..
  14. I'm glad there is a report button, but I thought we were allowed to tell people to leave if they were derailing our thread.

    everybody throw your TopHats into the air!!!!


    iPhone 
  16. ...nice knowing you OP you can go away now 
  17. You're going to quit because you can't tell me to leave your thread? Grade a nub.
  18. If you could be a a celebrity's finger for a day, who would u choose?
  19. No I'm going to quit for several reasons. 6 years on a game that is no longer moving forward is enough for me.
  20. :lol: see it's things like this that this sups are fail on
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