Kingdoms At War; Left in the dust? Hello forums, Jakob again! I’m writing this thread in order to show the developers of Kingdoms at War why we believe the game is dying and that the developers have abandoned us as the players. I’m writing this due to me being upset when I found out how much nicer the other games look and are taken care of. I’ve only been playing this game for a mere three years, but I believe the game has been left behind for many reasons Argument One: Lack of Ad's There’s rarely any ad’s on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites for Kingdoms at War. Meanwhile there are countless ads for other games such as SMASH and PIMD. So, this begins to make the average Kingdoms At War player that happens to see these ad’s think that ATA doesn’t care to advertise their older games such as Kingdoms at War. I have never seen an ad for Kingdoms at War. I believe the best way to get new players is by posting ad’s for our game. As stated above, this can be perceived as you only focusing on your newer games and not caring for your older games. Argument Two: Lack of fixing problems in Kingdoms at War So, in all honestly the “Free Nobs System” was a total flop. A painful epic fail! It was kind of like offering the players a dollar if they answer a few questions, but instead of giving us the dollar you kept adding more and more steps. Anyway, in all seriousness I’ve completed around fifteen surveys making sure I do every step, and I have never been given any sort of reward. The problem I have with this is now my email is now flooded with useless spam, I never received my reward, and when I did decide to email support about this, the best they could tell me is to complete the survey again and send them a screenshot since they have no way to of tracking who and who didn’t do it. The reason why this bothers me so much is games like PIMD have working systems. Games such as PIMD has an ad based slot machine that gives worthwhile prizes which brings me to my next point. Argument Three: Lack of features added in newer games implemented in Kingdoms at War So, games such as SMASH gives daily login in rewards. It really annoys me that Kingdoms at War doesn’t have something of this sort. SMASH is giving away free energy for logging in. In SMASH, energy is used to start missions therefore, for us it would be the equivalent of getting a partial regain for our troops and spies. Another thing that bothers me is that their newest game-- SMASH also has an achievement system that actually gives worthwhile rewards. It isn’t just badges, they actually give you inspiration to complete them than just something you can show off that holds very little meaning. Argument Four: Kingdoms at War Looks Outdated The interfaces for each game show their age. Kingdoms at War being oldest, PIMD second, then there is SMASH. I just hate how much older our game looks compared to everything else. It’s like we were left behind. It doesn’t need to change to much, but I believe it needs a little touch up. Argument Five: The Dev’s Refusal to listen to our feedback I’m cherry picking this, but a vast majority of the community doesn’t like the forum change. People have been giving their feedback expressing their extreme dislike of the changes, yet the dev’s haven’t responded to it or changed it. Why are the Dev’s so shy They remind me a bit of Shy Ronnie.. Conclusion In conclusion I wrote this to show why I believe the game can be perceived as being abandoned. I care for this game, I truly do. For now, in my eyes it’s up to the community to save Kingdoms At War from dying. We don’t want this game to turn into another FC or another GaW. I emailed the dev’s asking a few questions, and I’ll post it after I finish work. Anyway, what is your opinion? Is Kingdoms at War being left in the dust? Are the dev’s trying to keep this game alive, or are they trying to milk this cash cow until it dies? What do you think the Dev’s or community should do to try and keep this alive? Side Note: I will be adding screen shots of the games after I finish work today, plus fixing any errors.
Giphy is the worst site for gifs.. You have to open the picture 2 or 3 times to get a working url.. I'm sure it's worth reading though without the gifs..
For one thing, stop comparing KaW to ATAs other games. They are SEPARATE to KaW. Simply because they implement something in SMASH or PIMD, doesn't mean KaW is entitled to the same updates. As for the game, I've seen people saying KaW is dying, for months. I don't believe this is the case, yet. Devs are still rolling out some updates and trying to improve things here and there. I think they need greater community interaction and need to work on improving features (like EE and PvP) in the game already, then move on to new features into the game and THEN events. I believe they put so much 'effort' into running B2B events when that time could be spent doing a few other things first. So is KaW being left in the dust? I don't think so. KaW is more of an established game than PIMD and SMASH. We have a set player base. That's not to say we don't need new players, we certainly do. I think the problem comes from people thinking the devs don't care about the game. There have been some updates recently that show the devs are trying to improve the game. But they can't please everyone. Greater community interaction would help this a great deal IMO.
Just like any other company's product, everything can't be supported forever. They eventually need to stop and move on. As for kaw, I have never seen a game have such lasting strength than this, maybe short of WoW. Don't be bitter because after 5+ years you think they don't care. They still are definitely trying to make this game worth playing.
This game is not dieing; I do not perceive many players leaving. Just a handful from the thousands that play daily.
I know some people will say I'm a shill for ATA, and if you believe that, I cannot help you. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, kaw is certainly NOT dying. I've seen 2 ATA apps die, (GaW, and FC). I had a presence in both and watched the process happen. I also had a presence in "Meego village" and saw that game decline as well. The devs were pretty open with the community and flat out told them, "hey guys, this app isn't thriving, and we don't think it will, so, we will jot he releasing anymore updates, although you're still free to play. "Perfect drift" was another ATA game that but the dust, although that was an android exclusive, and I'm an iMoose kind of person, so I didn't have a front seat to that one. Currently, we have kaw, smash, and Pimd. All these apps are doing well at the moment. I haven't seen anything here that would herald the end of kaw. If kaw was truly dying, then why give us a new forum format? If they have no interest in kaw, that's a waste of ATA resources. Why keep pushing more promos? On the apps I've seen die, those all went away too. Finally, I've been here for a long time now,mand for years people have been saying that this app is dying, yet, here I remain, responding to yet another thread like yours. Kaw is fine. I know because I've watched other apps die, and what I see here doesn't fit the profile.
Pimd.. And smash.. Look , better? God. No. They look younger. To appeal to a younger audience. They look childish and stupid. KaW is NOT meant to look like them. At all. Ain't broken don't fix it.
Good points. I think players might be saying the game is dying because devs are only pushing promos. I suppose from one point of view you could say they're only trying to get as much money as possible before the game finishes. But, I think events are now what KaW is about. They're focussing more and more on events and less and less on other aspects. It's not that the game is dying, it's that game has taken a different direction to what it once was. We've seen a clan update, aqua/inferno based events and a new forum lay out. There are some improvements (or attempted improvements) being made. They are trying. I'd just like to see more game improvements first before they roll out more events. Events mighy be better well received if players could see they were working on EE and PvP updates also and not only events. Devs could very well be working on a whole new and improved EE system but we can't know that unless they tell us. More communication and involvement could go a long way.
Chevrolet currently offers 3 performance vehicles. An SS Sedan starting at 46k, a Camaro that starts out at 25k, and a Corvette that currently starts out at about 55k. Why do they do this? Well, each performance car has its own design, it's own pros and cons, essentially, it's own niche. Even though they are all performance vehicles, they each have their own audience. Not everyone is going to like all 3, or even 2 of them. That being said, each of ATA's games have their own niche, their own pros and cons. To make them all the same, would essentially kill the audience they are trying to appeal too the most, the new player. If the new players tries all 3 (Crush/PIMD/kaW) and sticks with 2, ATA has a better chance of that person possibly spending money, telling others about the game etc. People have been saying KaW has been dying since I started, and yet it's thriving more than ever.