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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. In terms of fight mechanics I am guessing you mean Troop builds, Hybrids, Hansels, pure spy and pure attack. SH would fall under hansel and tanks can fall under any of the 5 main types.

    I personally prefer hansel type builds but that's because that's what I use however it's down to personal choice.

    EDIT: Completely forgot to add pure spy/pure attack. All tower or statless not added as not relevant builds.
  2. In my bracket...tanks rule
  3. With several thousand players now BC, are there plans for new lands and buildings any time soon?
  4. New buildings and lands are usually released at this time of the year, so we'll just have to wait and see what the developers say! :)
  5. Chad_B
    the guy has status "I like Broken Sword "
    new strategy to get wars ruined
    simple broken sword wont be enuf ban him better
  6. Just a rough estiment please, assuming I stay in HTE clans but do not max xstal everyday. How long can I expect to be on HF complete? Am I looking at months? A year or more?

  7. Depending on wether you go for br and renew it everyday. You also need to hit more than 6-7 Hte a day. If you're hitting Hte for a solid month or two you should be hfbc maybe. Depends on how many times you seal also.
    I also reccomend going to Hte clans that do quick Hte.
    Since you'd be doing b2b Hte, I'd imagine (if you were active everyday) that you'd be hitting 10k items every event. Then you'd hfbc even quicker.

    Edit: Looking at your achievements, you should hlbc first :')
  8. Ty
  9. As a side note save the highland level 4 buildings until the end of your upgrading as cost wise they give very little back.
  10.  listen to that guy
  11. I know I'm a little behind the times, but what happened to Redstar? He was the top player for years. Thanks and peace
  12. RedStar dropped build and changed their name to "Loveucella "! :)
  13. Definitely more than 2 months to hfbc. Probably take at least 6 months with 16h of daily activity.
  14. He dropped build bruh, and as Sean said changed his name to loveucella

    Pretty dumb if you ask me. He didn't even strip someone with the gold he got from dropping allies and build.
  15. How many bfe + bfa does a hansel/ps need to attack aff/ss eb? (excluding mith spells and pots)

    Can someone do the math for this please.
  16. It scales depending on which eb you do
  17. Approx 140m with a coe lvl 3 in my tests
  18. Ss requires around 105m attack if I remember correctly.
  19. How about aff?
  20. 140 was for aff, sorry