Secret Game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by monstermine2, Feb 28, 2016.

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  1. I see the bans for third party advertisement coming.
  2. I play with your mum.

    After I'm bored with her (I get bored with her often) I will then go on to watch nuts for pudding 50-60 times. I will then unload and repeat.

    Feel free to use this method! It's a great way to wait for your Sexeh troops so you can smack Apheriun.
  3. Extreme, use this if it gets to crazy.

    While playing, quickly press Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y to be invincible for five minutes. You must enter the code again after five minutes to reactive invincibility. Note: This doesn't work for vehicles.
  4. What about a cheat for 100% damage? What about for all weapon unlocks? What about a cheat for cash? NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
  5. U can get banned just for naming?
  6. come back after you actually read the rules :roll:
  7. which mom lol? My mother is lying right under a tombstone, So I think you can't have played with my mom
  8. Its all about those emulators bruh
  9. Lmao anticlimactic, I'll play cus I'm a forum...
    Blossom blast 
  10. They're not saying "go buy this product" or promoting it in any way...
  11. Doesn't stop me.
  12. Just lock this thread plz as it is starting to derail quicker than I thought.
  13. How has it been derailed lol
  14. None of your business
  15. Lmao it's public forums. You can't just say none of your business xD

    Explain to me how it's been derailed? Everyone has posted heir secret game.
  16. You see the guy who posted about 3rd advert? Yeah that is turning the thread little off side
  17. I'm happy to lock, if only per OP request.

    Just to clarify - action should only be taken against people trying to recruit others to third party apps, or sharing their username from that app. Otherwise general discussion of other games is fine.

    For example - you can discuss halo on Xbox, but you can't share your gamer tags, or recruit people to play with you.

    Anywho, locking.
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