Donald Drumpf

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by elite-clan-90, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Have any of you seen John Oliver's latest video? In Last Week, Tonight, he bashes Donald Drumpf for a solid 20 minutes proving that most of his supporters are under educated. I highly recommending everyone to watch this video.

    Also, go to your Internet browser and type in "make". The top suggestion is "make donald drumpf again"

    Things Trump has said that are questionable-
    He is willing to kill the family members of ISIS members, even if they are innocent
    Thinks abortion is wrong, but acknowledges that Plant Parenthood does good, yet still is going to cut funding for planned parenthood.
    Says building a tower is easier than a wall.
  2. Just watched that a few minutes ago, gonna check the website after awhile
  3. Trump may be stupid, but honestly is Hillary or Bernie better ?
  4. Trump will be president if Hillary gets the democratic presidential nomination
  5. Who loses if it's trump vs Hillary?

    The answer is "America"
  6. As proven by The Daily Show, Donald Trump behaves like an African president
  7. someone made a chrome extension that automatically changes "Trump" to "Drumpf" whenever his name is on screen... :lol:
  8. Would hate too see that path.
  9. Trump would make American a laughing stock and the rest of the world scared of it loonatic in control.

    If hillary becomes president would that be confusing as bill still can be called president. Although I think I got that information off a cartoon so don't know if true or not.
  10. Just saw the ep this morning Elite, great watch and great to see the inconsistencies so clearly highlighted.
  11. Trumps supporters are under educated? As opposed to the educated people that put obama in? Or support hillary?
    Saying Trump supporters are under educated is an ignorant statement in itself, I'm not saying trump is the right guy but I'd much rather have a president elected from the working class, wich is essentially who Trump supporters are and who your calling "uneducated" , than a leader elected by the upper class. Hate to break it to you but the wealthy and "educated" are the the ones running this country into the ground.

    God forbid the american people be fed up enough to elect a sound buisiness man who speaks his mind and funds his own campaign....Bunch of morons should know to stick to the norm and elect another career politician who takes tens of millions from special interest groups and will only serve them...Why in gods name would the american people stand up amd send and a clear message to washington that politics WILL change or we will vote for the farthest thing from a white house insider that runs....smh yall are so blind as to what's really going on here
  12. top kek.
  13. Hold up
    1. Yes, Trump supporters are undereducated. Most believe everything that comes out of his mouth is true, which is false.
    2. Trump and working class? Are you kidding me. He is the wealthiest out of all the candidates and has made his money by ruining other American peoples lives. Not to mention he had a nice start up fund of 1 million dollars.
    3. How is our country being run into the ground, I,personally think we are doing pretty well.
    4. All candidates fund part of their campaign. Trump has accepted donations too totaling to 7 million dollars.
    5. Why would we want someone who has no experience in the government running our country? Not to mention he has been bankrupt 4 times. Oh, remember when he didnt pay those Polish workers. Wait, remember when he created Trump University, which was pretty much a scam.
    6. So what if he speaks his mind. The K.K.K speaks their mind but no one wants the grand wizard to be president.

    Bottom line, you call us blind buy it appears that you are defending the guy that-
    Made money by ruining American peoples lives
    Created a scam company
    Lies in his campaign
    Wants to tear apart families
    Wants to break the Bill of Rights
    ALWAYS screams when someone points out faults against him until they stop
    Shows no respect, and wants to sue people who oppose him
    Threaten and blackmail people
    Sexist and Racist
  15. I cant wait for trumps response hahaha
  16. People like Trump count on the uneducated.

    That's his voter base. He even said it himself lolz
  17. He went to a Ivy league university where he learned words lol. Nice way to undermine university studies :)

    I imagine next Harvard adv... Come to pay us a fortune! We are going to teach you words.
  18. This is true for almost every politician ever.
    A start up fund of 1 million that turned into billions.
    We're not.
    Yes, but Trump isn't owned by his contributors. Neither is Bernie. The rest seem to be.
    People don't like career politicians.
    Bernie wouldn't be great either. The NSDAP was a "socialist" party, but no one wants Hîtler as their president. I can make stupid comparisons too.
  19. Except the fact that Trump's speach is not very different than NSDAP propaganda. If Trump would be born at the end of XIXth century in Germany, NSDAP wouldn't need an austrian as a leader.