New & Improved Clan Announcements

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. On android? Check and see if you have "other" notifications turned on.
  2. Thanks 
  3. Exactly.
  4. OK so this can be turned on by turning on other notification the thing is I dont want EB notification going of all the time they are annoying would it be possible to add it in options where I can just turn ca notification on?
  5. he did state previously they would be working on a toggle for this.
  6. Re: New

    Why even bother with a clan update like this? Its ridiculous really, getting real tired of you devs. Bring us the incredible big updates you promised or don't bring anything at all. This pesky nuisance of an update is a waste of time.
  7. Does "other notifications" basically mean your news feed?
  8. Re: New

    They've been working on a few things it seems, Cannabis. It's good that they're working on things in KaW other than events.
  9. Re: New

    Get smoked :D
  10. An awesome update would be to let android update CA easy like iPhone, so admins in all devices can update CA vry easy.

    Doet alrdy
  11. Yep.

    On droid its almost better to just avoid ca if its got multiple objectives on it.
  12. Re: New

    Love it thanks!! Will come in handy during osw 
  13. Great Devs...... Smash not so.Bad either. When can we get more clan slots. 125 sounds more reasonable. 100 was so last year......
  14. Nice idea sadly a bit too late .. :-(
  15. Re: New

    When do you get head admins co owner roles?
  16. Its never to late.
  17. Doesn't work.
    Or is it not implemented yet.
  18. Yes it does work. I get the notifacation. Watch to see if you notice it over the next day or so then if you see ca has changed but haven't been notified then you should contact devs. Go to kaw home screen press the ? button and scroll down to "email us" then type out the issue. Good luck :)
  19. Awesome. But please make a toggle setting for it.
  20. Re: New

    Hasn't this feature been going on for a while now? I've been getting CA updates regularly pushed to my phone.