
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Spongebob_Square_Pants, Feb 28, 2016.

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  1. I logged back onto is my first thread since rejoining.

    Why do we all love arpee?

    So caffeine leads to the urge to arpee?

    I was unsure, so I decided to interview Pimds very own, 'DeadlySpankingAngel' otherwise known as Derek.

    The Interview (minus North Korea)

    Me: So big D, what is your take on the correlation between caffeine and the urge to arpee?


    Moi: So you believe that the rate of arpee is dependant on each individual?


    Me: I am indeed a bit slow. So why do you arpee as an angel which lethally spanks people to death? A female Angel may I add.


    Yours truly: Isn't that considered catfishing; to an extent?


    Myself and I: Very nice D.


    Well Thats All She(He)Wrote Folks

    Stay tuned for more interviews.
  2. Why did u literally just copy and paste pipes thread?
  3. he told meh
  4. Could've said that in op lol.

    He cleared it up for me in pm anyway.
  5. Sigh.........
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