So luckily this isn't another attention seeking retirement thread (from a mobiile/pc gaming app lol)....however I will be editing this later to list those who have left the game only to make a "glorious" return. Now off the top of my head I've got. Saltyfeet Troll Anarchy Teja And will edit acordinly per your nominations. ...if u wanna stay anonymous pm me n I'll respect. Yous all know who the culprits are folks....I see it on every 3rd or 4th forum...."but I thought u quit bruhhhh" # edit I'm getting a lot of pms about people who "ran from osw but tried to save face by retiring then came back" This is accepted as an anonymous suggestion
They are far n few beetween's probably been 12 months since I made a thread but of course u would know that or you wouldn't insinuate that I make threads all the time.... .....oh wait .. .I just caught u out .... sorry to be u. U didn't make a retirement thread did u ?
I retired and came back. I lasted about a year and a half before I came back. Many people who didn't know me at the time thought I was running from osw. Everyone else who knows me knows what really happened.
Lol retired from a tap tap game.. Kills me every time.. Remember what The Dude said.. You can't let this game affect your life.. At least you shouldn't... And Troll never retired so fix your thread man..
Depends on how close you get to the people you play with. I wouldn't say we retire from a "tap tap" game. It's more about leaving your friends behind. Although you may not have formed intimate relationships that you value enough to miss anyone here, many others in this game have made some very good friends, myself included, and wouldn't feel right just deleting the app without saying goodbye when so many people they're connected to are available mostly through this little software portal we call Kingdoms At War. This is the very "secret sauce" that the devs are counting on to keep this game alive - the bonds we form with other REAL LIFE people, not a "tap tap" game. So let's be honest - most people aren't here for the stunning graphics and interactive gameplay. It's the words you read on the screen that you know are coming from other real human beings that keeps you helplessly coming back to "tap tap." This gets at the root of why so many people fail to stay away once they've quit. They long for that interaction. That endless supply of human interaction only a few taps away. The very real human interaction is what's addicting, not the silly gameplay. We are social creatures. It is perfectly normal and healthy to crave attention.
Amen.... Yes this is a Social game, even devs know what they created by accident and thats why this is their top App... Next to the creepy one... Dimd, Pimt, whatever... They cannot move Long or put Kaw away its their gold egg... From tofu labs to AtA... Lol