Finite Or Infinite:Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ProviingAPoint, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Is the Universe Finite Or Infinte?
    My Thoughts-The space that we can observe, on the other hand, does have a definite size. Because the universe was born 13.8 billion years ago, we can only observe objects whose light has traveled at most 13.8 billion years to reach Earth. This portion of the universe is called the observable universe, and it’s the only part of the universe we can know anything about.
    But due to the universe’s expansion, the radius of the observable universe is not 13.8 billion light-years. Current estimates instead set its radius at about 46 billion light-years, an estimate made in co-moving coordinates, which account for the expansion of the universe. As the universe ages, the size of the observable universe will continue to expand.So the Universe could infinite.

    This is a thread open to any kind of discussion on the topic. So let's discuss!
  2. Nothing is truly infinite that we Haven't imagined , like mathematical infinities, the universe may be bigger than we can possibly comphrend (well actually... It already is) but It can't really be infinite.

    The real question is, what's outside our universe?
  3. Guess it's time for me to go put my tinfoil hat back on
  4. I say infinite.

    I mean, if it were finite, what would the "end" be like? Would there just be like a cheap plywood wall or something?

    Born too late to explore the earth.
    Born too early to explore space.
    Born just in time to see the horrible looking forum update.
  5. There could be something else lurking behind that plywood wall..
  6. It's finite but so large we will never reach the edge so for all intents and purposes it's infinite.
  7. i would side with no definitive answer with the current observations available. i would say it may be possible that the metaphysical is limited to a finite existence contained within the base states of matter but as far as unobservable existence goes your guess is as good as mine.
    p.s. thinking in terms of the universe alone is small-time these days, gotta start thinking of the whole multiverse & other possibilities including dark matter/energy over certain light based universal theories imo.
  8. Its finite with gateways to other universes.

    Really though science is bs and any other person saying whatever about something they haven't been to, nobody knows anything about the universe.
  9. The expansion of the universe doesn't quite agree with me.

    It's cool and everything that the speed in which the universe is expanding is accelerating, but it's exponential (or so space nerds say). This doesn't make sense to me, seeing as the speed of light is essentially the universal speed limit.

    Once things start nearing the speed of light, they start falling apart (atoms and stuff). This raises the issue; what happens when we get to that point?

    The universe itself would break, and I don't think that's what we want.
  10. 13.8 billions years it's been expanding? 
    Let's just call it infinite and call it a day
  11. Actually if there was any "outside of our Universe" wasnt the Former definition of our universe false and the "outside" would be Part of it?
    And then again: what would be outside of the new definition-universe? And wouldnt that be also be part of it...?
    I nowadays dont believe that there could be any limits.
  12. I have heard it suggested that when sumthing reaches the speed of light its develops a "forcefield" like barrier thats prevents the occurence of this destruction but i agree that universal expansion is an akaward idea to me with my limited knowledge...1 law of thermodynamic's concludes that heat will expand the universe but wouldn't the laws of gravity concluding that mass will gravitate towards a dense center suggest it will condense into itself in contradiction...all i can say is we know far too little still.
  13. I saw this question a while ago, and I've been thinking about it.

    The coldest point you can get is 2.7K, right? I did not see any research saying that it is getting colder, if you can find some, please direct me to it. If the universe was infinite, then that temperature would be spread infinitely. So, I don't think that the universe is infinite.

    This is under the assumption the Big Bang theory is correct.
  14. @Seth

    Things with mass cannot move at the speed of light because it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate it to that speed. That however only applies to things *through* space. When astronomers talk of expansion, they're talking about space time itself stretching out. Things within it get washed away with it, but don't actually move through it at faster than light.
  15. You think the universe is large , start thinking about the space that its expanding INTO. How far and infinite is that region? It had to be there first else like filling a glass with too much water where would all the new cosmic growth end up? Just because light has not reached it does not mean it can't already exist. Does a room cease to be simply by turning off the light? Stub your toe in the dark and be reminded that it is surely still there lol. Furthermore consider gravitational waves. Turns out they also exist. And are being pulled forever outward. Question is by what?
  16. Are you saying that the infinite universe could only exist by having a form of cold matter/energy with properties similiar to heat in expansion existing within it?
  17. He's saying it could only exist in equilibrium
  18. The answer is dependent on where you receive "truth". From man, who was not there, or from God, who was there and created it.

    The theory of the "big bang" was mentioned in a previous reply. What people forget is that:

    Nothing from nothing, nothing comes.

    Cause and effect: You can not have nothing, and create something that does not have a cause.

    The Cause is that God spoke, and the universe came into being. He spoke and created light and darkness. He created the heavens and the earth with His voice.

    The universe is finite. He knows the number of the stars, and calls them by name.

    How? Because He created them.

    There is nothing that He doesn't know, so how could the universe be expanding beyond His knowledge?

    Our man-centered, incapable understanding of time and space is limited. We will always think the universe is expanding because we are reaching into the areas of His work that we cannot understand.
  19. And in less than an hour, this will have turned into a religious debate. Yay.
  20. Well the question asked by op IS a question of believe. Nothing more nothing less.
    Science isnt able to answer it.