Support/no support butons

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IlFAIZAANlI, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. So this is probably more for the devs than us.

    If the first post of a thread had support and no support buttons with a total by each, you wouldn't need to read every page of the thread to see if it was an idea that the community wanted or not.

    As this thread is about reducing effort needed to do things I feel It would be rude to add more effort into this.

    I've had worse ideas
  2. Or just open up polls to users.
  3. • support
  4. That would work I spent like 5 minutes looking for away to do it and gave up.
  5. Ew the new update is bad
  6. New update. No devs.
  7. Right know i wish to have a "no support" button.
  8. No support

  9. No
  10. Support! Lol
  11. I would love to have a poll option!
  12. A poll is a great Idea. Support.
  13. Decent ideal, not overly complicated, support. I'd settle for a thumbs up or down too lol.
  14. Lol what happened
  15. No support