People Who I Think Make This Forum Better

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. He is the d4rkness that has clouded the forums with this new theme. Not to be confused with darkness.

  2. I'm so ashamed.
  3. You've been gone a long time, Arkst. Be nice to the new people who've made a name for themselves after you left. They're pretty cool people. I'm sure you'll all get along well enough. ;)
  4. Be nice to me, pls

  5. I'm his favorite
  6. Nice GIFs :lol:
  7. Oli, he didn't even get your name right  but we all know you are smarter than the average bear 

  8. I don't blame you, I'm pretty damn sexy.

  9. >not on this
    >option 1 suck up to you till you edit me in
    >option 2 uninstall kaw life is meaningless
    >option 3 just continue being a pleb for life

    I like option 3 it's worked so far
  10. Firstly i am not a " it " and you have forgot some very big and good contributers to the forums SaltyFeet and deni .Both in all their forum threads whipped up a lot of discussion and laughter and everybody got involved on them .Thankyou Todd.
  11. Sorry we don't have a gender-neutral term for third-person nouns in the English language. I have a problem with "they," as it is used both singularly and plural. I think it adds more confusion than clarity.

    Thanks for your other two recommendations. 
  12. immitation cheese still is upset i exposed him when he fake retired from kaw .But he never did leave kaw he just changed screennames into LLXXX_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_XXXII and joined Faith clan . and Deni and SaltyFeet were big contributors on forums they are unforgetable.But you wont mention SaltyFeet because hes more a forum star than you so you feel a lesser man next to him .SaltyFeet excelled on Forums and in Kaw .Whereas forums is the only domain for imitation cheese .
  13. Dayuuummmm.
  14. You are mistaken, Roni. But alas, you are entitled to your opinion, even if they're untrue.

    You are welcome to ask clarifying questions if you're interested in learning the truth, however, based on your previous forum record, I suspect that the truth is an inconvenience you'd rather not deal with.
  15. i agree with roni. Deni should be put under "Lost Legends", she did contribute a lot when she was an active forumer.
  16. who cares about forum record you are noone to judge anyone .everybody is different has different intrests and personalitys . what is so funny you put people as forum stars when all they do is a few words and spam stupid messages .Yet you on purpose dont write those who have made a big impact on forums .Jenni is another who has gave forums lots of ideas and ee advice.Jenni did a really great pirates theme eb what would have been a lot of fun if support followed the idea threw. Obviously your choices are only favourtism .and those who are deemed larger than life on kaw and notorious are left off because they take the spotlight from you .But if anyone should get a mention also its Wakebuster who kept forums running smoothly .But you failed to write him up more than past history . and unlike you cheese who is a ??? in the gender area. it's a well known fact that i am female because i have voice chatted with many from kaw. But i guess you are still butthurt that you ran off kaw to hide from kotfe and hid on LLXXX_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_XXXII account the whole time that you'd " fake retired ".
  17. and AJ is a fabulous contributor on forums and organized many events with Deni. Yet he wasnt mentioned either .i wonder why.
  18. Did you even read my response, Roni?
  19. Roni. Shut up. Cheese is allowed to have his/her opinion. Don't like it? Keep scrolling. I think I can speak for the vast majoriy of KaW when I say that you're irritating, dry and useless. Now all you do is pick at people and stir the damn pot. No. One. Cares.
    If Cheese has favorites, so be it. Ugh.
  20. Roni, no need for hostility, just suggest that cheese adds them.
    I suggested a couple of people and they were added.