People Who I Think Make This Forum Better

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. Eric Northman deserves a mention, was the best at what he did; trolling. Seen him get under so many people's skin including myself, a master in his art of making people cap rage in forums. :lol:
  2. What about WoIfie or Balto (Wolfie) for honorable mentions or lost legends. Both used to be really active in forums, you couldn't go on a thread without seeing at least one of them
  3. Thanks Ruggy. I try to balance dumb humour with actual ideas/input. Sometimes my humor is a bit childish, and I deal a lot in coital innuendo. I've tried to stop but's so hard.
  4. TOTALLY agree!

    I'm not familiar with them really. I tend to interact with more of the serious topics in this forum. Maybe they were active on the less serious threads?

    Please don't. Your style is your signature, and I love it!
  5. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. I flattered to be on here considering my activity is extremely sporadic at times. But I try my best ;)

    Side note- I noticed how someone mentioned that delta's 10000 posts contributes to why he should be on this list. In this situation, I agree that delta deserves to be on the list. But I think it's a little naive to suggest that post count in any way correlates to making the forums better. I could have had double my post count by this point, if I'd actively posted in threads such as "ban the person above you" or "rate the name of the player above you". But I have chosen not to.

    As I mentioned, delta is an exception here. Just making the point that there's not a particular correlation between post count and improving the forums
  8. Balto and Woifie definitely. They were on the most the same time as I was so I talked with them a lot. You're right that we rarely ever talked that much on serious threads.
  9. Didn't balto always organise the farmfests? lol.
  10. Woifie should definitely be on the lost legends list.
  11. Ew, no. Farmfest was a PE thing.
  12. No man, I swear he organised a summer farmfest. Winner would be the person with the most cfs on their wall.
  13. No, I'm pretty sure he didn't.
  14. Well that's what's in my PM. He said thanks for supporting my thread and explained the rules to me.
  15. No, listen Jesus he knows what is best for you, he is a carpenter after all.

    Just no.
  16. Since when did DeIta have 10,000 posts?
  17. Because you are entertaining and funny lol.
  18. I lost all respect for op when he listed v, anarchy and skinny. They are useless morons, they make me want to go on a killing spree with their idiocy
  19. @onsey

    Isn't that part of what keeps you coming back? That conflict?