The Silver Bar Era

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _-lXl__DEMON__lXl-_, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Skinny has 24 hours to reply or she will automatically be defeated.
  3. Nearly as low as skinny's stats
  4. Lmfao that is mean
  5. Hte should be able to just sell the seal directly for gold. And xstal also
  6. Everyone should drop it like it's hot
  7. Support. Seals are 500b gold xD
  8. best idea
  9. ToC should drop weed plants
  10. Taking over a thread from someone else..hmmm

    There are a lot more reasons to lock this thread Mango!
  11. 'Should'? Didn't that already happen multiple times :lol:
  12. Bob, Take a Krabby Patty, you aren't you when you're hungry.