Re: 2016 Forum President poll let's hope kaw forum pres candidate doesn't propose an idea to build a wall around kaw com...
Re: 2016 Forum President poll I WILL BUILD A WALL. PiMD players will not be allowed through. JOIN ME IN MAKING KAW GREAT AGAIN!!
Re: 2016 Forum President poll .... so time to post count farm for the next 400 posts to be a contestant?
Re: 2016 Forum President poll I vote kaw_community. He's been around for a decent amount of time and regularly posts on the forums :|
Re: 2016 Forum President poll Ok guys you've had your fun. It's time for me to swoop in and claim all the glory... I mean votes My pitch is as simple as this. Vote for me and you get free pie. Can't go wrong with that, huh? Pie like this: Or pie with pi on it: Support your favourite company: Or your favourite country: Perhaps one for the kids: Or even one for the cat: The choice is yours. Vote Pie ️
Re: 2016 Forum President poll Pie lies. He is primarily preservatives. Pie is in league with the Fairies. #MakeKaWGreatAgain