Why pvp events shouldn't have an opt-in option - my story

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by wrath_oG_Grave, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. Some one just wants to hit the easy targets because hes afraid of the real pvpers
  2. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think that it's good that people have a choice, you wouldn't like it if once every 6 months they got rid of PvP completely and just did ebs
  3. I'm not gonna say its all bad but some players wanna focus on growing first and not be hit every ten minutes like I need to grow that's my first priority but after I reach a decent size that pleases me I'll do PvP more because I can actually hit people
  4. You've spent 1000 on a mostly text based tap tap game/chat app. Good job
  5. Im a student with a well paying job and no bills

    Its been almost a year and a half, meaning that is under 30$ per paycheck. did I farm you or something? Because you seem to have been butthurt for the same amount of time

    Coincidence? I think not.
  6. Lol making another useless thread. You just want everyone opted in so you can pick on smalls like youre used to lol. But i wonder why YOU havent opted in yet??? You and your band of losers lol. You forgot to tell everyone how you cf'd to us and reset right after not even 7 months ago lol. What a loser lol

  7. Lmao, im not opting in because I'll be inclined to hit people outside of Aztec since we can't find more than 4 of you opted in. I want everyone opted in so we can have keep pvp alive. Keep hitting hte Mackie, we had a mutual which is sad for a clan that "lasted 5months against zaft"

    I reset because kaw without pvp isn't kaw and I didn't want to play anymore. But the kawcaine was too strong so here I am. You're a joke, you're one of the many spaztecs not in anyone's nf

    Look at your family, lost 25 members so far. Awp hasn't lost one. keep crying child, we're going to ruin you
  8. We stripped one of your members and in return you all frantically sold off 20-30T in allies the 24hours following

    Your sub can't complete t4 ebs and is losing members daily.

    You won't win.
  9. 25 members??? Lol. You are such a dumb noob  Tbh you worm weve adopted a few of yall methods to use on yall lol. Working perfect too lol. We are wiping the floor with you clowns and are far ahead in total strips,hire hits, pots burnt, inc given and we are doing ebs at the same time lol. Not to mention all the xstal yall bought and we burnt lol. Baked has wasted at LEAST $120 in xstals lol. Most of the time just so he can say hes not pinned lol. What a real troooer lol. V doesnt hit anyone he just comes here to wah wah wah like charlie browns teacher and to talk to you (which would technically be called schizophrenia) lol. If theres anything else youd like to add you troll feel free which i know youll do bcus its what you do best 

  10. Really, what methods, I'd love to know?
    We've stripped more, and per person we've outdone Aztec in every way execpt running and hiding. And whatever you say, an xtal on a spaztec is a xtal well used.
  11. Lmfao support
  12. Lmfao. What you just said was garbage lol. Outdone us how? Playing dead and being forum warriors?? Yea you got us there lol. Im done with my last statement bcus i said enough lol. Keep running your mouth and yall keep running to other clans lol.
  13. Hey all. Please keep to the topic. Smack talk on your walls. Tyvm.
  14. A non optional promo completely revolving around PvP great idea!!!! Not! Seriously not the first to suggest this & has been done & proven unsuccessful. First & formost no one makes you do pve promos so why force everyone to do a PvP promo?

    This leads to several problems
    1. Not everyone pvp's.
    2. Will kill kaws activity.
    3. Will open EVERYONE as a perm farm.
    4. Osw's will ensue because of those not wanting to participate.
    5. Loss of profit for the devs.

    There's 5 good reasons that this us a bad idea. The "Shard Hunt" was a strictly PvP promo where everyone was opted in & people complained enough for a opt out option. As stated no one forces you to do PvE promos, & not everyone wants to do PvP. I was one if the many that suggested a PvE/PvP promo so players could choose their own path & benefit their own way. Strictly PvP promos cause a huge loss in profits for the devs hence why we haven't had anymore.

    Kaw was solely based on PvP, they implemented PvE to attract new players. This game can not go on PvP alone this has been proven. Why bash PvE players? More often than not they support War/PvP updates even tho it may not directly benefit them verses bashing players that support a play style that's different their own.
  15. What happened to you nosec tags? Dropped them quickly when you started getting Inc

    Also you've stripped about 2t this whole war, we stripped 4T in one night.
  16. Noobs acting like 4T is a lot, and bigger noob thinking his lesser amount from multiple strips is significant. *moonface*

  17. I've only been on fourms for a day and I can already tell that nobody likes you
  18. Guilty.
  19. Lmfao. Again i will reiterate... Your strip count is waaaayyyy off lol. We are ahead in strips, INC GIVEN (yall only hit smalls), pots burnt (yes that counts), real life $ spent on xstals lol. You say an xstal used on us is one well spent??? Would be true if the xstals were used to give inc instead of just using them to stay up lol. That means they were WASTED you stuoid noob lol. So they dont count as hits bcus yall ACTUALLY HAVE TO HIT lol. All you noobs have now is forums lol. I thwarted all of the plans yall had lol. Cant even strip me with all those spy accts lol. Yall tried to strip me and my nf was full of scts from yall chumps and that other chump clock 9 in ig lol. And as for no escape it served its purpose lol. Idk what youre even talking about with inc bcus we had 0 conflict while there and we only had PERM FARMS (which what you losers are) lol. Idk what you guys think your significance is on kaw but its literally nothing but trolls lol. You give no real inc. You do no real strips. You have no more plans. There is no clan in kaw where yall can RUN or i will have you kicked lol. Weve made you even more obsolete than you were lol.
  20. 4t isn't a lot? :(
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