Forum President

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DeIta2, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Forum president worked well when the forums were in a decent state. They're certainly not in a great state at the moment (yes they've improved but I haven't felt the need to actively participate in a thread properly for a long time. In my opinion, forum president should only be bestowed on someone who makes threads that people are genuinely interested in and also who's posts are of a great quality.

    Things are on the up, certainly, from what they were in 2014. But i don't see anyone who matches the description I just gave at the moment
  2. I vote for my noob apprentice Lili for forum president.

    Going from derailer/hated to quality/popular in about the span of a month or two is always cool to see.

    Plus if you don't like her comics you are wrong
  3. Her comics are certainly cool :lol:
  4. Delta2 for pres
  5. You're mad
  7. I'd vote for cynder or possibly Pipebomb for Prez.

    Pipebomb is an up and coming forum star IMHO, and should be observed

    I like ashes too
  8. Vote for me.

    I'll build a wall separating us from PiMD.

    Let's make KaW great again.
  9. Got my vote :lol:
  10. What about me?

  11. I vote Lil.. Very creative
  12. Delta2 is better tbh
  13. What about DeIta3?
  14. Mini delta is the best

    Note - does it actually have a post count? :lol:
  15. Hey delta, Why don't you set up an official election thread and see where it goes?

    If it dies, it's no big deal, and if it runs well, that's even better

    Set up your parameters, toss it out and see what happens
  16. Never hurts to have a go
  17. Agreed Pie, mini deIta is officially the best, no idea if it has a post count. :lol:

    I'll get it done when I go upstairs Moose, will be made within the next 2 or 3 hours.
  18. Delta3 is slightly better than delta2, but I think we can all agree Jackson is the best.
  19. That's actually really funny.

    I've only read up to page 2 (where this post is)

    So if some other jerk has mentioned this, soz.



    That's actually really funny.
    The devs basically "split the toolbox" with the recent clan roles update.

    edit:I vote for olibear for president and willy4vk
  20. We wuz in the same clan bby