This is not a thread counting the number of votes for a possible forum president, it is a thread asking all of you whether you think bringing back a forum president would be a good idea or not. I know some of you will be thinking get out, we do not need another forum noob to act like he leads and represents us all, and I know some of you will be thinking what a forum president is. So I am here thinking why am I making this thread, the majority of people either don't want this or don't know whats going on. Great. But. Waiiit a minute why am I posting this? We don't need a forum President. We need you to start posting awesome threads. We need a bit o' drama, and we need a bit less statless alt. (At least you know my main) Don't be scared. But definitely don't be an ain'ter. Does it matter if your threads are pointless? No! As long as they have some effort I'm perfectly happy with them, I'm just slightly bored of people posting ideas that we've all heard before because lets face it, we're bored of discussing them. Threads like the thread by Zoltanocortez are fine, its outrageous sure but it promotes discussion. As much as Moose dislikes me I've enjoyed his last few threads a great deal, take ideas from him, make threads about things that interest you. So many old and new players alike say that the golden age of forums is gone and blah blah, but can we not make it as good as then? Secondly, I can't remember why they got taken away but... Forum Mods We need us some of these. Lets face it, lots of us are busy enough in game with clans, OSWs and you name it, mods are even busier dealing with many PMs, wall messages and WC. So why not bring forum moderators back? As well as this there are some unfair mods who do pick favourites, not gonna name any. A healthy forum is an active forum and forums won't become active if they see any mod favouritism or lots of spammy rubbish threads about the same boring topics. An active forum needs active forum moderators which at the moment, lets face it, we don't have. Who could do this? I could name a few who I think would be up to the job but its not for me to decide, its for the devs right? P.S. If there was a legitimate reason that I missed for the removal of forum moderators, feel free to say so. Thanks for reading, Please reply with your opinion to this thread, no I don't mind if you hate it. Cheers, DeIta.
Support To the funny gifs anyway, your idea sucks. Just jokingggg xD great idea delta bby<3 #delta4forumMod #Delta4forumpresident
Forum president elections were an event held and run by the community. It fostered a sense of fun and comerodery. I'd encourage something like this again
Agreed, I think there are a few good forumers at the moment as well who could be suitable candidates lol.
It can't be just Moose and the occasional Chaos appearance monitoring forums. The newer mods are pretty bad and biased. But forum president thing doesn't really help with this. But hey maybe it'll reverse the cesspool the current forums have become a bit. I see too many good forumers who are important voices in the community getting punished for doing what they've always done within the rules thanks to terrible judgment calls by these newer mods on power trips who can't take the stick out of their ass. Meanwhile fail trolls quoting the entire OP every thread or blatant racism/discrimination go unnoticed simply because not enough attention is paid here or someone agrees with the prejudice and can't separate their own personal crap from the ToU which is actually happening in epidemic proportions these days. That all being said. Support this pro-community idea making its return. Duno why it went away in the first place.
Completely agree with your first statement which is why I had my little rant about forum mods making a return. The idea of a forum president wouldn't really be to counter the fail trolls, that would remain the job of mods. However I believe it could possibly help bring more quality and this in turn could make spotting the fail trolls easier for the mods. This again adds to my forum mod argument as we the forumers are here regularly and know which OP quoters and blatantly racist people are which.
I completely agree with implementing forum mods. The whole forum president thing was just a popularity contest, and never really amounted to anything.
However to your point about forum president, although I concede your point, forum president also adds an area of interest for people, active forums are happy forums and I believe it could get more people involved again. Would it really amount to anything? No. But it might get the forum president in question posting a few more good threads and getting everyone a bit more involved.
I agree with this, but don't think it would be an issue. I'm not active enough here to warrant such a thing. I have a son, and that means less forum time for me. Even if I didn't have a son, there are plenty of people here that are more deserving. The knock on the contest the last time it was run was that it was a blatant popularity contest. My answer to that is "duh!". Of course this is a blatant popularity contest. Promotions at work are blatant popularity contests, although hidden a bit better. Life is a blatant popularity contest. I'd encourage delta or someone who's interested to run this thing. The community has a life of its own and will make it work
True, the old contests never amounted to anything, but, forum is just a diversion for most of us. Things like this need not be useful if they are entertaining.
We can recreate the Nelson Mandela Story (minus the terrorism) Free Ashes and make him President. Support.
It's a redundant possition, so nah. I'd like to see some new mods Come on board howecer, as I'd like to see more help on the team. I'd like to see one be a forum enthusiast One be a wc enthusiast And one be an EE enthusiast Our current crop of mods does well in my opinion, bud I'd like to see more.
I know that it is, but why did it become a redundant position? I guess you have Karma for EE and I see Kez and Mango a lot on WC but more are always welcome lol. Although you all do browse forums, you don't really have that forum enthusiast which is why I think there should be a forum mod. My view is that stuff not on forums can quite easily distract you from forums which could be a problem (No personal experience :lol: so correct me if I'm wrong) as well as this even if you have time to post and lock threads, (again I don't know) but I can't imagine that you all read through all threads on AT and suggest to the devs which ideas are good. Which I think would be part of a forum mods job.
The history behind the orange forum mods is as follows. Forums in the last were vulnerable. Any one player could shut this place down by spamming the AT board with hundreds of spam threads. This happened usually one every several months. Threads were also vulnerable as people could just spam post illegal pictures or terrible things, and we couldn't stop them. Support gave Delphin, Drgn, and my self keys to a new and untried toolbox. We were given the ability to ban. This was never tried before, so we were allowed to experiment with it and see how it worked. As it turned out, it worked well. We have no more AT meltdowns, and disruptive people can be removed from the community with out drama. The forum mod tools work best when people don't see them being used. Anyhow, now that those tools were trailed and we all have them, splitting up the toolbox would be counter productive. Mods who chose to be more involved in forum aren't really "distracted" by in game violations anyhow, so giving them only half a tool box wouldn't do much to improve focus.