quest and xtal rationing

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by High_five_ghost, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. OK so I've thought about this for a few hours but I came up with a fix for noobs crying for spy quest and a idea to ration xtals so let's begin.

    Idea one: fixing quest

    So you all know how certain noobs cry WE WANT SPY QUEST!  well here's a fix to shut them up: say player A is mad so he farms player B but player B don't have a clan to pin himself on ebs so he goes to do quest and instead of the quest you hit just taking your troops it takes your spies as well ( Note this would not increase chances for successful hits )doing this will stop people from wanting spy quest and saves us all the headache of hearing them complain

    Idea Two: xtal rationing

    I'm sure people have seen the Lil picture of the xtals shows a blue and green one right? But did it ever occur to you well why would we need 2 if we only need one to regen 1 bar? I mean in my eyes its a waste because it uses the whole thing for one bar regen so anyway I propose when you need to regen and go to do so a popup should ask do you wish to regen spy,troops or both so if you say spy it keeps the other xtal for later one bar regens same process for troop only regens. Let me know what you think
  2. please stop making dumb threads
  3. I know this may sound confusing as hell but it makes sense when you think about it
  4. I'm really just trying to make kaw simpler for everyone so if you don't like my threads don't read them
  5. what hes saying with xtals is you should be able to split them to regen either troops or spies. and keep the other half for later?
  6. Yes exactly
  9. So your all just gonna quote him?
  10. Its funny you say this but yet support my last thread
  11. Have thought of this many times myself. Sometimes I just need to regen one bar.
  12. And that's the whole point of this idea to ration xtals instead of wasting a whole for 1 bar
  13. Please do this.
  14. I'm only doing this because everyone else is.
  15. Well every one else don't understand lol
  16. Here's what you're not getting, why the hell would you use an xtal when fighting from pin?
  17. I never said anything about hitting from pin now did I?
  18. I agree, KaW should remove xtals and replace them with health packs.
  19. The whole freaking point is for eb uses and war uses I didn't say anything bout being farmed -_-