Salutation Kaw nation, I'll make it short and sweet, "That's not what she said", so don't even. Now that that's out of the way. Wanted your thoughts on having a feature for moving buildings around for a cost in gold. Purely for personal aesthetics. When I first started building I went all nilly willy putting things up all erratically like. Now I can't even look at my lands without smh at the atrocity before me. Is it just me or would anyone else like to be able to have a this feature? In the wise words of Gwen Stefani "Holla back"
It's been brought up in forums multiple times, with some supporting due to their OCD. And others not because they deemed this feature useless. I always and will still support this. Preferably with no gold spending requirement.
Why tho? There is no reason to move buildings around other than for visual appeal. Otherwise moving buildings is useless.
I agree it's costly to drop builds just to add them back in a different spot. If only develops looked at the problems faced by the KaWmunity
Not a bad turn out lol thanks for making it short and sweet too Sponge. Yes it's mainly for the OCD people, it might be a useless feature in a way, but I think an easy one for devs to implement.
Everything in a game is "useless" Why is there so much hate in forums? I planned ahead on where to put my buildings. But I went back and changed my ll. Maybe it's a big deal with coding, but it seems like a small thing to me to make a few ppl feel better about their kingdoms.
Don't y'all think an ocd player, unless developed after he built his kingdom, would have built it the way he wanted due to the ocd?
What if the catalyst for someone developing ocd was building on the lands of Kaw lol either way, ocd or not goofy just a harmless feature. Like Tridos said, it's for personal satisfaction, not for others approval
It has been mentioned many times it won't happen. Kaw is at a stage now you can make loads a money from ebs to hte just save up and switch.
Ok, please tear down 20+ maxd buildings on abyss and rebuild, I'd love to see how long it takes you️
Been bc one since the crazy silver bars was invented been saving them since then but I'm not that daft XD