How do you eat your chips?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Apherium, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Lick em then eat em.... I thought that was the norm haha
  2. I don't eat chips. I eat fries noob!
  3. Don't you eat them like any normal person would?...

    In UK what Americans call chips are called crisps.. Confusing.
  4. I prefer the "inhaling" method
  5. *crisps
    Not to be confused with Crips
  6. Yeah, eating a crip would be really bad
  7. A bag at a time
  8. Is there really that many ways to each chips?

    I just put a chip in my mouth and chew it then swallow. :/
  9. I consciencely make a mental point to crunch chips with a closed mouth.

    There is nothing more annoying than hearing other people who grew up in a barn crunching potato chips.
  10. lol
  11. Chips as in potato chips/crisps or chips as in fries. Sorry brit here.
  12. Try chewing gum with your mouth open 
  13. That too, Chibby. Some people are louder than horses eating oats
  14. You eat chips that have been licked?
    Thats nasty.
  15. This makes me hungry.
  16. pants feel really tight suddenly...
  17. ....

  18. Australian. Chips as in those things that come in bags. 90% air, 10% delish in a foil packaging.