Brave the Elements Returns!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Suo with zta devs?
  2. It's not possible to sell the drops.
  3. Um yes it is, go to marketplace, there is an option to sell.
  4. Oh, it's grayed out for me, I'm not able to sell.
  5. Weird. Have you bought any? That might be why. I chanced it and sold 1, didn't do anything to tokens I already won. Just got little gold back.
  6. I just bought 500. You can sell back excess drops.
  7. Read your threads and quite a few is your opinion, not reality. You spoiled everyone with last two events, no big $$ for you this time
  8. noob question do i tell what eb is dropping the items?
  9. Why are you guys upset about a new event? You seriously don't even have to participate. You trade tokens at marketplace for the event items. If you don't want to participate, don't buy Aqua/inferno things.
  10. Would someone kindly tell me which ebs drop tokens .. Thank you
  11. Most clans do not like searching for eb drops. You really blew it this time
  12. My items are not combining. =(

    And how is it possible that I have more more drops than token? I thought one drop for one token?
  13. Not sure if I should stare in disbelief or rejoice at this piece of news.
  14. How do I paste screenshot here?
  15. You can now choose to combine the Prime Tokens to form either Aqua Token or Inferno Token of your choice!

    For example:

    1 Prima Token= 1 Aqua Token(Azure Drops)
    1 Prima Token= 1 Inferno Token(Crimson Drops)

    It costs 1,000 gold to combine 1 Prima Token into an aqua or inferno token! :D
  16. The returns are not consistant had over 1k tokens bought 500 n got 500 inferno in return bought another 500 and only got 463 inferno is this what they call the new math also heard from others about the inconsistencies when purchasing inferno and aqua.
  17. I know what you mean. 1 Crimson drop for one prima token.

    But I have 600 plus Crimson drops and 100 plus prima token in my inventory. They are not combining.

    If I can post picture here then you will know what I mean.
  18. @Julius
    You can buy 1 (one) drop, the excess will combine too. Do it again until next loot.

    It did happen to me. But it all combined later when i bought one.
  19. Done. Thank you!!

    I find the system a bit funny. They don't allow you to buy drop when you have no token. But they allowed you to buy excess drop which won't automatically combine with the token.
  20. Soo, why is the top 100's different rewards? Inferno gets 2 more crystals and a golden crux compared to aqua?