@Super Crimson You realize if need be, they'll use the pots too? They'll still run you over. You'll get no edge from new pots (only new mechanics).
If someone 3 and 4 times the size of you can hit you, you should be able to hit back and win.. The issue here is the hit range..
The outcry was because it was when kaw was infested with sh. And sh would use pots to dominate mids. Now this isn't as much of a problem because abyss lands offer the most plunder by far. So if you drop build you hurt yourself.
You do realize if only large accts have access to large pots that my 1-2% success rate will drop to 0-1% Not to mention, many accts On the opposite side of my clan's OSW no longer carry defense pots therfor xtra att pots on my side would indeed actually help
Attack pots should only be introduced. The game is too defensive as it is with the huge towers. Having certain builds with bfa being nearly impossible to steal through for a bc Hansel is stupid.
At pheasant_plucker Hey you, LBers need pots too you know lol lets not discriminate now. I agree with Troll the SH exploit is pretty much a thing of the past. Just like any development in any game we've seen accounts increase in size massively but no increase in ability of any account to attack them or defend against them. Not to mention it would be something new to spend gold on. Way way way too easy to make gold these days with nothing but allies to spend it on hence the massive inflation. Allbeit I appreciate it would only be a small scale solution but still. Anyway I just think we need to see an upgrade in this area now
support it'll help smalls both hit bigs & should help take abit of cash away from the ever consistant, over-inflating ally's market too
Yeah new pots definitely needed. Current ones seem almost irrelevant. Hopefully with the addition of new pots Devs also go over the PvP mechs because there are so many problems with RNG when it comes to the "battle curve" and "bully mechs" combined with everyone having half their build in towers now. Those "hidden mechs" so to speak are what encourage build dropping and other small build workarounds for wars or any aspect of KaW. Especially combined now with the PvP blitz rewards. Punishes larger players and rewards tiny ones because the hit range is so massive. Excuse the mech rant. Support new pots ?
Anyone who plays the game daily has access to extremely high stat equipment now. I think the point of pots is a stat wash as it stands today. New pots are needed to combat 60mcs kingdoms from hitting 10mcs nonstop without any defense help Unless hit restrictions are going to be tightened, new pots are a necessity As to the sh builds.. The people paying massive amounts for best equipment each event should be able to handle them easily. Now comes the question of how to lure them out of HTE clans and report for war
I was thinking about this myself a month or so ago.... indifferent on the issue. However, it would be nice to have a 'buy all' option... would be much easier to repot.