EB Timer Change

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DDS-_-BlazinBBQwings-_-DDS, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. I think that the eb cool down time should be reduced from 15 mins to 10 mins...
    And we should have a reward for double troop regeneration

  2. wtf is that?
  3. Yes pls ! support :)
  4. I think we should have option to be able to buy extra eb time with nobility if needed. Now that be really cool.
  5. Your troops regenerating at double the speed, is what the OP is trying to convey.
  6. Reason why i am saying that is because i just seen clan failing ACC and it could have been easily avoided if they had another 40min.
  7. This has been brought up many times, and been dismissed many times.

    Their reasoning behind the 15 mins is to allow you a decent regen (not enough to matter) so that you don't struggle with running an EB right after another.

  8. it would make skimming better tho
  9. Maybe you could choose what time. 30 mins, 25 mins, 20 mins, 15 mins and 10 mins being the lowest.
    As Hte clans may want to do ebs quicker, some clans want time to regen.
  10. It should be 15 minutes.. And double troop regeneration should only be like for a bonus weekend, it shouldn't be handed out.
  11. The 15 minutes is minutes anoyying but necessary..... maybe just hte should have like 5 minutes
  12. Chill, we all need time to regen troops, not all of us are heavy spenders.