
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Are you saying the pope isn't a true Catholic?
  2. I typed up a long response but it got deleted. In summary-
    I am a Catholic. As the Jesuits say, i am intellectually competent. As our jesuit pope said, "Who am I to judge?".
    I am a Catholic becuase I have the ability to think and reason.

    Also, if you someone believes in the theory of evolution, does that make them not catholic? There is actually a lady who is going to probably be canonized as a saint soon who had an abortion. I know catholics who have had abortions, are gay, etc.

  3. Far too hip to be a true Catholic

  4. #popebars
  5. I don't even care if you are a catholic, be whatever you want. Congratulations on being a crappier version of Christian that Protestants tho.
  6. After reading this thread I have only a few things to say..

    Some of you need to get out of your parents basement and live life in the real world.. Religion has nothing to do with abortion.. The only persons choice that matters in the decision is the two people involved, that is all..

    It's better to end that life rather than bring another kid into the world that will be neglected or uncared for..

    If you idiots haven't noticed, the world is already overpopulated because of the Catholics and Christians views on birth control.. Less mouths to feed to better..

    As for euthanizing the elderly, you're goddamn right we should be doing that.. All they are is a drain on the economy and health care systems.. If they want to die, or once they hit 85, take them outback like old yeller..

    There's too many people here already, and the few that we lose to abortion is better than the 10 kids that your hillbilly asses are having and not taking care of..

    It's not up to you people to make a decision..
  7. I believe there is 3 people involved.
  8. I'm saying his views do not always echo the views of the church.
  9. That's like saying an unborn fetus has the right to vote..
  10. You get decision's made for you every day.
  11. You can't vote in most places until you are 16-18 so point invalid. That's like saying cause a 12 year old can't vote it's ok to murder them.
  12. The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil. Christian writers from the first-century author of the Didache to Pope John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae ("The Gospel of Life") have maintained that the Bible forbids abortion, just as it forbids murder.

    Well there you go based on this and the fact the pope condones abortion apparently I'd have to say he's a phony catholic.
  13. Then I'd say every Catholic who accepts him is a phoney Catholic.
  14. Someone said that this issue has nothing to do with religion lmao. Objections to abortion is almost always tainted with religious perspectives. Look at where this thread is heading. The women's body is hers and hers alone. Who are we to decide? I'm NOT for abortion as a form of birth control but I'm definitely on the side of women's rights. It's not something one can legislate.
  15. The Catholic Church is the last place and people to listen to.. Don't murder, don't abort babies, but we will have the crusades and his modern war on Islam, and their priests diddle all the kids,
    Don't abort, just diddle..

    Biggest bunch of hypocrites going, and some of you base your entire life on that crap..

    Good luck,
    I'm Not going to argue with stupid people over a discussion that shouldn't even involve you unless you've been in the position and had to deal with it..
  16. Which is totally ok. The church needs change
  17. You could always read what I've wrote before, to lazy? Figures I am not religious in any way I like picking it apart though.

    Again because you can't be assed to figure it out there will be no religious views from me on this subject, abortion is just wrong.
  18. Oh and I'm on the side of the babies that are getting murdered all day every day because of selfish people.
  19. That takes the cake for the stupidest thing said here. Along with grizzly and TNT.
    Id hate to live in your world...that'd be sad.

    Im glad more intelligent individuals prevail.
    It seems that more people are getting that "light bulb" moment and seeing it for what it is.
    Pitty V and some others are still stuck in the prehistoric age :D
  20. Yes just like you prevailed go you.
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