Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You cannot really do that. You can get it by trial and error.
    Attack an eb
    Write down ally bonus
    hire a cheap 1b ally
    Your ally bonus will increase as long you did not hit max plunder.
  2. How long until KAW dies?
  3. Or, ya know, look at the plunder bonus on the allies profile...
  4. Am I supposed to post questions here?
  5.  what good is that if you don't know your mp? It's only truly found by trial and error. It's hard to account for towers.
  6. Ally plunder bonus depends on your own build, and on your target's. You cannot get to know your plunder based on one variable (ally profile)
  7. Leave it for a day or two and keep trying. The max is 10
  8. what is the minimum cs to war in individual war?
  9. There is no minimum cs requirement to take part in indi wars
  10. Do you post on this thread to be ironic?
  11. There is no minimum cs . The individual stat brackets range from 0-150m cs
  12. Does lvl 1 stable, elven temple lvl 1 and the maxed coe buildings have any benefits ?
  13. I think lvl 1 builds on HF give extra hit..not sure though
  14. lv1 elfen temple gives 39 hits/unload. stable has 24 (Normal) and CEO gives 26
  15. Say I had a level 1 elven temple on HF and a level 3 COE on LL, will I still get 39 hits per unload or will the COE cancel that out?
  16. 39 hits, not cancelled out. i put one up every time i use crux with xtals for the extra 14 hits. thats huge as a hansel.
  17. You'll still get as many hits as the elven temple gives.
  18. Okay thanks. :p
  19. Balanced attack buildings give an extra hit.
  20. Oracle pageRe: Post Questions Here

    It's me again the Oracle page work on my my tablet I don't get it