farewell everyone!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A_bus_full_of_nuns, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Gl in rl had fun warring with you
  2. He's gone let this die.
  3. Glad I met you buddy best of luck and grats on focusing on the real :)
  4.  Son enjoy real life bro
  5. FREEDOM!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!one11
  6. Best of luck in RL. I wish you well
  7. Best of luck in real life OP!

    Thanks for creating the 5-letter game thread!
  8. Support
  9. Let it die, let it die,
    You keep bumping it,
    Tell me why?
  10. I'm back 
  11. No1Curr

  12. Shut up noob and build some towers 
  14. Best of luck to you in the future! 
  15. Lol how can this game take time out of ur RL , ur stats say u barely even played lmao