Haha love it!!! I warranted a mention, you are my favourite mouth breather Alison. I do really love you, wish you hadn't dropped build. I would have enjoyed smacking you around
What about the Northern Irish :| ? They are separate from Britain culturally. Plus there's like 5 of us on KaW :lol:
5? I've met a hundred or so, and then I've met about 500 Americans who act like they are Irish because their great, great, great grandfather was Irish.
If they make fun of your scout bombs, you're winning If they make fun of your fail bombs, you're winning If they brag about banking after you tried stripping, you're winning If they start talking about thier legendary main, you're winning If they hit you with thier legendary main, you've won.
American's celebrate a holiday dedicated to the day we decided to start kicking Britian's ass. #Murica
Americans celebrate a day a proxy war between France and Britain was won. More a French victory than an American.