Solitary Confinement

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Solitary confinement is a form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact. It is usually given as a punishment to inmates that do not follow the rules or is too out of control. Their is some that see solitary confinement as inhumane and ineffective. Then their are others that see it as the exact opposite. So I ask, do solitary confinement really work or is it unessential for our modern time era?
  2. Who cares if it works. Prison is about punishment, not rehabilitation.
  3. This is a lovely topic, however :)
  4. I thought prison was for rehabilitation. If it wasn't, then there shouldn't be parole, or release.

    I don't believe in solitary confinement. I think if I had to spend months alone with I thing to do but pushups and twiddling my...thumbs, I'd go nuts too. Then I'd be a real menace to society.
  5. Speaking from experience, I was put in solitary confinement a couple times and both were absolutely awful, but I have to agree, prison is for punishment not rehabilitation. While I didn't like it I deserved it and therefore is good IMO
  6. I guess it depends on the mind involved. But meditation and or reflecting on a solution to better yourself, it might be a blessing. Away from all the other ppl in con college you could be yourself instead of the facade persona that got you there.

  7. So you'd rather have someone deal with years of mental, emotional, even physical trauma, making them a,hard criminal when they leave over making a place that is liveable (not enjoyable) to work with inmates and make them less likely to commit another crime.
  8. If you've ever seen a female moose, you would understand why moose isn't afraid of solitary
  9. It's a system designed to keep people in there. That's why it's called a system.
  10. I know I just quoted, but "Who cares if it works"..? Jesus Christ, you need Jesus...

    Anyways, please care if it works. And prison is about keeping the public safe, and rehabilitating the offenders if possible. It should not be about childish ideas of punishment. They hurt us, so we'll hurt them. That's not what humanity should settle with.
  11. This is why I believe in the death penalty. Saves us all resources.
  12. ^Meh, I don't mind the death penalty for the severest crimes. Just don't execute the insane, and maybe find a better method of execution.
  13. Prison is about punishment AND rehabilitation.

    It serves as a punishment by removing your freedom. In a way this loss of freedom can also work as a rehabilitation of sorts on the offender.

    It serves as a rehabilitation as well. Programs and services are run with in the prison to assist people to change their behaviour, to change it so they can contribute to constructively to the community and to adjust to life after prison.

    Obviously this isn't the case for every offender. But it can serves as a chance for rehabilitation also.
  14. I think if you are going to break a person mentally so they comply. You want to put them in a box where they had no sense of time, food comes in but it's never the same time and never given between an even time.

    You would lose all sense of time therefore you wouldn't know the day or time. You would in other words be hopeless, nothing to do but a black box where you can only hear yourself and nothing outside.
  15. Nelson Mandela was in solitary and came out to rule his homeland. He is a good example of mind over matter.

    I don't think solitary is the answer though since a lot of people in prison are already a bit wacky and may not be able to cope with it. Although if you are a really bad person, then it's best to keep you away so you don't hurt others. I don't think people like that should ever have any opportunity to influence others.
  16. Good points, Murph and Kez.

    I agree it's not the best option for some people. It could tip them off the 'edge' (for lack of a better explanation) and they could become more of a danger than they were originally. But on the other hand, some offenders could definitely influence others and should be kept away from others. Every person is different.
  17. Why not execute the insane? By your logic killing is okay when done in the name of public order and safety. Insane people threathen the order and safety of the public aswell.

    My take on it is killing is wrong and keeping crime down is best dine by bringing criminals up.
  18. Agreed, Dindu. I believe we need more specific programs to target first time offenders (more in reference to less severe crimes). I think if they get the correct help the first time around, they're less likely to reoffend. Prison isn't always the best answer and neither is a slap on the wrist. We shouldn't have the same people recycling through the legal system because they're just put in to prison.

    There's a program in Australia that has a similar system. It focuses on dealing with an offender one on one and trying to see why they keep offending. I can't remember exactly what it's called but I'll try and find it now.
  19. Sorry I know this isn't about solitary confinement but Dindu's response reminded me of this. The thread did too as it made me think of ways of preventing crime in the first place.

    It's a program known as CISP - Court Integrated Services Program. The offender is either awaiting a bail hearing, already on bail or summoned to appear. The individual is assigned a case worker who assesses things such as previous legal history, any mental health issues, need for social support and drug issues. The case worker helps find support agencies, treatment help and the like. The individual will eventually have to go to court. But one of the aims of the program is to see the issues offenders have that contribute to offending and how to help to stop them from reoffending. Just a quick overview, there's more information here. ... uses-crime

    Sorry again for going slightly off topic. But thought a few might not know about these programs, aiming to stop reoffending :)