Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. The past few days I have been checking the news to see headlines such as;

    "Google DeepMind AI navigates a Doom-like 3D maze just by looking"

    "Google’s AI AlphaGo to take on world No 1 Lee Se-dol in live broadcast"

    "Google and IBM overshadow Japanese tech groups in global AI race"

    That last headline is quite concerning to me.
    They refer to these technological advances as an 'AI Race'
    Should we really be racing to artificial intelligence?

    Think of the massive social implications of an AI equal to human intelligence or perhaps exceeding it.

    Think of the job loss.

    Then again there are many positives. AI that can act as surgeons, teachers. Who knows?

    I am certain AI will continue to be researched and developed. The question is when will true AI be made and what impact will it have on society?

  2. no, i dont remember
  3. But can A.I's see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
  4. Supporternoot
  5. One ford motor plant in the UK in 1950 employed 40,000 people.

    With the rise of robotics and more efficient manufacturing practices. That same plant now employs only 3200 people, whilst it produces more units now than it did at most phases of its history.

    The technological advances are great for industry leaders.
    It's a nightmare for the common person.
    All tech leads to mass Job losses.
    Ai replacing people in a field where it offers little advancement for industry jobs will be nothing but damaging.

    An example of this is China. It has seen massive industry growth for years.
    It has become a global power.
    And yet it is now failing at home because whilst world saturation on goods has been reached to a large extent.
    Economic growth domestically has stalled, de largely to a population that cannot afford to buy the products that the nation produces.

    Ai will wipe out many jobs over a 30-50 year period. This job loss will slow economic growth and reduces nations spending power. Just as the fall in industry has led to a decline in manufacturing in countries that have become reliant on made in China products.

    If you don't cater to your domestic market and have a populace able to afford products.
    You have a long term policy of economic failure.

    And the last time I checked. Those ford robots and any proposed AI systems don't get to the shops much.
  6. Looks kewl
  7. Why the hell do people feel the need to quote the whole long freakin page of the thread to post something??? No crap you're referring to the thread or why would u post something here??? The quote is to quote what somebody else said in the comments or quote a piece of the thread not quote the whole freakin thing to respond to it...
  8. The most important question is not whether we should be concerned.

    The most important question is what are YOU going to do to stop it?

    You have no control over what happens with AI, so just accept your fate as old technology that is about to be replaced by the next evolution.

    Google's AI lab director has stated that he believes that AI may decide to keep us around as pets.

    Yeah... Let that sink in.........
  9. We shouldnt be worried about AI.
    It's SI (Sentinent Intelligence) that we should be worried about
  10. We should be worried about skynet it's real and the USA is keeping it a secret
  11. Im not a nerd so i dont read tech news
  12. AI doesn't and has never concerned me as much as "LI" or Learned Intelligence and these are two very different states of being. AI is the primitive state of LI.

    Happy Kaw'ing
  13. Leave thread imbecile.
  14. What's the difference?? I don't know about this

  15. Leave kaw retard
  16. Once again leave my thread.