Recently , I told a friend about this game and to download it. He downloaded it but he just didn't have a clue on how to play it. I explained it to him but lets be frank, this game is pretty complex to a new player with aspects such as EBs, allies, PVP, stats,etc to talk about that my friend just didn't have the patience to try and learn it all and play . After a few days, he stopped and I'm sure other players do too. The reason : There is no proper tutorial. You start the game, KAW says build a stable , build a guild, hit some random bloke called nazgul and choose a flag (which nowadays is a pointless flag and waste of time for the new player including my friend who took a long time pondering which one he should choose). And then?.....KAW just sends you two messages and says.....Make your own way now geeza........ What KAW needs to do: A more sophisticated tutorial that takes a bit longer (not too long) and at least covers the basics which can motivate a player to grow. This could be things such as hitting the EB,the meaning of allies and max plunder,how to find stats. Now a few more other ideas to branch with this idea: 1. Automated volley-two computer generated KAW accounts volley a player to 50bil so that they have the gold to build the basic buildings. 2. Automated ally worth a bil(unsellable) which can be removed after player reaches x mil cs- it is very difficult to find an ally as a small player such as a <1bil ally because they are instantly hired meaning a new player can't make gold in the first place. 3.A little notification thing which is given to us however this notification recommends new players what EB they should do or recommended clans they can join that do that eb. For example , a 500k cs player should be directed to Shark/troll Ebs. 100kcs to pig ebs. This notification can automatically stop after they get high stats and can be reenabled again by players. 4.kaw sending links to useful guides for new players in the forum guide section in PM to the new players. Honestly , not many new players will think of going straight to forums and many will lose interest before they know about forums and its beauty. That's all guys, sorry for the large content of text, I tried to space it out a bit so that it's not TL;dr. Hope I've not made any mistakes and please share your views. Cynders suggestion: community made tutorial tailor made by we players for other players.
Support. But it should be community made and show EVERY playstyle available. If ATA makes it they'll just point to the oracle and point to EBs and tell you to collect some items for some sweet swag.
If anyone has ever run a clan especially one centered around osw and built from the ground up after the EB age you know how difficult time consuming and stressful it is to train people even the basics of PvP much less the finer details. And multiply that by 10-20 people and you have the reason Cyn quit KaW for a year after building InterMass from scratch
Giving them a volley makes them feel more motivated and valued. Lol jk Idk tbh, we could do that too. Good point.
Support. We definitely need a new tutorial or to at least show them where they can find guides on the game or a player made guide (as Cynder said, to cover all bases). The game has outgrown the simple tutorial at the start. It's way more complex now and the tutorial needs to reflect that but still make it easier for new players to understand and to draw them in.
But Devs in their ultimate wisdom killed 90% of the clans that will actually run EBs these players can hit. KaW is and has been dying from both ends. New players get confused, lost farmed by drop builds killing fresh player sources and Whales are leaving from the top. Just my 2 golds worth DPR
Totally agreed! It's no secret, the tutorial in game needs a revamp all together. Daphnia has a wonderful thread intended for new players, guiding them to an assortment of clans which welcome newbies. However, if you are new and install the app - you have to dig through the forums for quite a bit and that's too much effort. Need to certainly update the tutorial fersure!
Really good idea! Hope the devs listen and improve their tutorial, thus increasing the chance to get more players playing KaW!
that thread of hers is way outdated though ...last time I checked it listed clans that didn't exist and 1 that turned OSW (lol ..they tried anyways) and some of those clans listed were BS ie; doing b2b piggy and squid ebs Last time I saw it anyways