the truth about the kaw veteran.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SkinnyMinny, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Or you can do like me, and never pay anything. I'll be BC in 2026. Then they'll open another tier.
  2. Totally disagree with op but not for the obvious argument. I dont really consider a badge equal to experience. Some people play for a while, then delete or slow down considerably. Then come back for some reason or another....I look at the account, the equipment and what other event badges they may have earned. From that is how I determine their experience and judge if I deem them a noob or not. I think there are many noobs with 3,4 or 5 year badges. I dont use their forumn post either. Truthfully, I would hope any real kawer does not just look at a badge and do what the op is stating. Heck. I know several serious kawers with a 1 or 2 year badge due to new devices or other reasons. They have the experience, just not the badge. And I for one do enjoy this format. I enjoy the in game atmospher and play so who cares if i have been around longer or not
  3. Having an account for 6yrs and playing 6yrs are 2 entirely different things my friend.
  4. I've spent $10 on this game and played less than a year.

    Maybe you just are no good?

  5. What if i play on PC am i still a big loser for playing for a long time?
  6. Somebody has to pay for the server. :lol:
    The people that pay none shall expect to never beat the game and I'm glad you can accept that.

    Although you can't really beat the game... Unless you consider what redstar had as beating it and look at redstar now. :)
  7. Pretty sure yall missed the point 'I' was making.
  8. I've been using the same bank for 10 years. Does that make me a loser too?
  9. Is your balance a positive or negative number?
  10. I don't see how it relates to my post.
    But you're right I think others are misinterpreting it.
  11. I meant the ones who responded to his post.
  12. You put kaw in the same category as a legitimate banking institution.

    You need help 
  13. Alison you been playing as long as I have if not longer which is 3 maybe 4 years . How I know your fact the kaw parody video still gets me laughing
  14. Alison
  15. I have a legitimate question (or two). How are stats related to time? And why must everyone who has lower stats have a "main" or be an "alt"?
    Spoiler: I already know I'm a noob. And a nub. And my stats suck. My battle wins and losses suck too. I have poor BFA and poor BFE. Oh, and my forums post count is sad as well. Did I miss anything?
  16. I still play final fantasy 8 so I guess I'll keep on tapping ?
  17. it is an interesting point of view that ive always possessed.
  18. I'm probably defo biased but I think what is worse than a 6 year achievement is a two year achievement, on the LB with 400,000 wins and 5,000 Losses.
    I've said it before, the devs are taking advantage of people with hard wired issues with their brain.
    The only thing I've hung around for in the last two years are my clannies and the humorous crap they say in CC.
    Also, by playing KaW I've learned when a game is jumping the shark and it's helped in the other war games I've dl'ed over the last 6 years.
    KaW had so much potential but it missed the mark, it has a unique place in gaming and it purposely left it behind.
    Characters like OP are always entertaining to browse in forums between the sitting and wiping phases of my day.
  19. Who even says KaW veteran anymore?

  20. True! Not even knowledge, if the player haven't been playing with certain constance along those years.