What's new?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cobra, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. So I left the game months ago and now wish to continue playing. What's new? What happened to Redstar, and did Cella quit playing?
  2. The gang sure missed you buddy

    Don't ever leave us again k?
  3. Kk bb
  4. Red quit . Events events events . That's basically it
  5. Plus the devs are ripping us of left and right
  6. I arrived
  7. I quit again cya guys
  8. Support
  9. Hi, and welcome back Cobra! :)

    Some of the new features added the past months:
    - New clan roles
    - Battle Cry (25% plunder bonus for the whole clan, cost 59 nobility points)
    - Can earn free nobility points by completing offers
    - Daily Sales

    Other than that, it has been mostly events (currently an ending 2 months long event). Many players think new lands will be released by the end of this event.

    RedStar dropped build and changed name to "Loveucella".
  10. There are two types of people in this world

  11. basically this .#chocolateforvk
  12. I retired but might stay in forums. Check out my new thread!
  13. Chocolate still isn't VK?! Jesus devs, up your game already...