Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for being a borderline fetish (feetish)
  2. Banned for being a chimpanzee
  3. Banned for having profanity in your name.
  4. Banned for using a word one does not comprehend
  5. Banned 4 not understanding that word
  6. Banned for saying "4" instead of for
  7. Banned for not wearing a dashing SS uniform
  8. Banned for not being a tastier bird
  9. Banned. For tasting penguins
  10. Banned because I've never tasted penguin (he coulda been a chicken Lol)
  11. banned for lying about tasting penguins. That lady penguin told us the whole nasty story.
  12. Banned for being sexist against lady idk
  13. *Spoiler warning*

    Banned for dieing in season 10 of supernatural!
  14. Banned for taking BatCraps in the yard
  15. Banned for trying to be cool
  16. Banned for raisins
  17. Banned for not worshiping the lady penguin Gods
  18. Banned for yo mama.
  19. Banned for trying to sound as if you from the hood
  20. Banned............................................... . ............................................... ............... you're*