Valiant Knights

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by PipeBomb, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. @Zeth
    Out of those, Ashes. Nature pics, and some smarts.
  2. Swabia stop lurking I see you :p
  3. Swabia is being offended as we speak
  4. lol @ salty

    If anyone deserves vk it should be:

    Making amazing UPDATED guides and generally helping everyone.

    He is actually pretty active in the "Post Questions Here" thread and is generally a good poster on Forums and has the knowledge to assist people (just don't see it often) also a former mod.

    Because I think she's totes fine, also a former mod so has the knowledge >.>

    But if we're talking sheer popularity/forum reputation (basically willy, swabia and others I dont remember)

    Having the greatest explicit collection of women I have ever witnessed.
  5. Ashes is awesome and has had sustained helpful activity. I'd support his VK.
  6. Yeah, swap Swabia's VK with Ashes.
  7. Ashes,

    If u post another boob pic like this:

    I'll be so disappointed.
  8. That is the worst damn list I have ever see.
  9. Swab appears!
  10. It could get worse though, they could add you
  11. Badumtss
  12. Thats true good thing I'm not on there
  13. @Zeth I'm joking ily bb
  14. Don't worry Soap if Swabia can win it, so can you...

    Ummmmm. Yeah.
  15. The simple reason ashes should be a vk is because he totally understands the male level of maturity and interest in kaw.

    Now Melissa would make a great vk for the ladies.
    If CG still plays then on past merit alone she would deserve vk
  16. *fixed
  17. for people outside of forums, what about sylver?
  18. The warrior?

  19. Prime for vk. Thank you.