Broken Sword

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -SB-, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. We are all getting tired of people doing 4 actions to avoid the Broken Sword DeBuff.

    In my opinion, they should increase this to 30-40 actions (successful or not) to avoid this DeBuff
  2. Sometimes on the losing side of EE wars, people are pinned for the entire war. Why should they be punished even though they were active the whole time?
  3. Then maybe they should monitor the time in war where they are online, and to at least post on clan chat to deem active.
  4. I've wced multiple wars where I had 0 successful actions (and very few fail Attacks) because I was first skim, xtalled before koed and absorbed then was koed. And my team wins.

    -SB- you're an idiot.
  5. I was more focus on indi wars
  6. Same goes for individual wars. Some pure spies have very very few actions because they get bombed at start.
  7. To be honest. Im gonna start campaigning for a review on it. Perhaps a unanimous vote of all war admins to issue the sword.
    What do you guys think?

    Some players you know they get pinned and cant have actions. Also what if they fight all ps? You know how those wars are
  8. You know who are the normal inactive people that joins wars and doing the min actions to avoid the broken swords. So your telling me an active person can not do more then 30+ actions during a war?

    This is trying to remove the people that joins indi wars for free stuff at the cost of doing nothing
  9. War admin voting would help this. What if they issue the spell as well?

  10. Sometimes the indi war admins are some of the offenders. But I do like the idea for an unanimous vote to give out broken swords to the people that really deserves it.
  11. Hold up, can't a voting system be exploited?
    I mean a close group of 14 invite some random 15th member to participate and one of their teammates goes inactive/gets pinned for most of war. Shift blame on random 15th member.

    There needs to be more ruling there >.>
  12. Honestly the best way forward is to send support an email with the details of the war.

    If someone had 0 actions and were pinned all war they should be able to remove the unfair shattered sword. In most cases they deserve it because of you can't get a couple actions in at the start of the war or on your xtal you weren't trying.

    If someone has very few actions purely to avoid getting a shattered sword support will be able to tell.

    I know there are certain instances where you can't hit due to bad match ups but those cases tend to be rare. If it does happen support will sort it.

    Honestly shattered swords shouldn't be given out by players because it's open for abuse whereas the system and support aren't biased.

    Support email -
  13. No support on this at all.

    In my bracket I get bombarded from the start and have to plunder and sko with less than 55 minutes left.

    People would also revenge vote.
  14. I feel you buddyeveryone jumps me and you for some reason. Must think we know what we're doing or something?
  15. i can relate :(
  16. Lucky to get 30-40 actions in a lowland war lol
  17. I feel you tho op because war_hazard_lor and hotlinedrake both got 5 actions and went to bed last night in my indi war as hansels so I see the need for a better broken sword, I would like to see pandageorge Idea where we can vote to give broken swords, however would need to be a submission to devs so they can approve and give the sword otherwise they will just be handed out to everyone lol
  18. Defense counts, and theirs usually a good bit of defenses in those.
  19. Right especially when tracking, you're focusing on Windows, Repins etc.
  20. You would have to be a target lol I been in lowlands where I get 0 inc