Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! So many cry babies about old accounts lol. I'm still rocking my fourth gen iPod. Calm yourselves
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! How idiotic of us to not manage our finances efficiently enough to enable us to upgrade our devices regularly to "play" a "free" game. SMH...
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Can you at least wait until the current event is over so that we can use our silver bar rewards to pay for it?
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Anybody who pays attention knows this is my main. The misguided statless alt accusations are soooo three weeks ago. Time to live in the now.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Now this is a post that is relevant and makes more sense. Not so bad having an alt in the minority. But can xtals be transferred if needed, sorry to nag just curious. Could you share more data like this in future. Interesting to see glimpses into the community and game device split and management. On other matters information that we don't have access to would help many of us understand you decisions more readily. Where it does not influence how a player could play the game obviously.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Your app already works with old versions without the update. Forcing ppl to change with 1 days notice is very poor esp if those ppl have spent money during this event and cant use their phone etc anymore. Anyway that is your decision and your app.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Your devices will still be supported for this update, any future updates will not be supported on your device. Basically you're stuck with tomorrows update forever.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! As funny as that is, don't be surprised if they drop support for 4.0 ics
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! ITS CALLED GENTRIFICATION PEOPLE I'm with ya kaw_community (time to clear out these low rent scrubs) ...if they can't afford new devices prob means they ain't buying seals/nobs/xtals (buncha freeloaders ...git rid of em')
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Are we still stuck with the original number of ea role as originally announced? Force me to pay for new devices and roles is rude. But limiting my number of Admins is detrimental to clan health. PLEASE let clan owners have as many of each role as they want for help running the clan. Ty
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Please increase clan roster to much more to help clans...200 members might help this debacle
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Kaw_admin Could the update wait till after the current eb event over? The timing of roles being release is a day before rewards will be given out, unless I am reading it wrong. I know I was planning to use my silver bars to help unlock some of the roles.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Nope xD but I bet your mom will buy you a cool new phone for your birthday! 8D
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Everyone has to update or they cant play kaw in one day. Some devices are best not to update. I have an old version of kaw on my phone cause I dont get spam ads from kaw. Some ppl might have spent money or let others play kaw on their old devices to find they cant play anymore. Some parents let their teenagers and kids play on old phones and one days notice is just too short esp they have submitted this update to apple to review for a while.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Read it again, the "note" at the bottom. It states "This will be the last update for ios 5 & 6" , as I said tomorrow's update anyone with ios 5 & 6 will be stuck with it for ever. Doesn't mean those with older versions will no longer be able to play, just like previously. Any features updated after tomorrow you will not be able to access, similar to my iPod 1st gen, I can play I just can't access hf or abyss. Oh yeah, to collect rewards, opt in to events, certain items in marketplace etc. I have to log in to pc to use.