Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! I'd rather be poor than buy a new device every year because support for my ios is dropped. Lol
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! lol it is every 2 years ...who keeps a phone more then 2 years, no matter how good it is? (poor people that's who)
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! It means he's having trouble finding the words to properly express his rage, so he resorts to cursing and bypassing like an upset child.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Which will no doubt result in a slap on the hands and a possible forum ban. Restraint. It's all about restraint.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! I recently updated to iOS 8. Worst decision ever. It's dreadful. My alt is on iOS 5 I believe. And though I rarely use it now it's a more comfortable experience aside from how slow that device is. My pad is iOS 6 which now I will have to change. Which means Apple now get to mess up another device that worked perfectly. Anyone updating please ensure you check the tips and trim off any new features that you don't require. It drains the battery alike crazy in my experience. Also I have had more issue on a few apps ( kaw, line, eBay and photobucket) since upgrading iOS. Hopefully kaws new update will address the kaw faults that sole created. That's my one hope for the positive.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Extremely disappointing you didn't listen to the kawmunity devs. Worse off, you told us it would be a few weeks before you release it. The original past was 1/13/16. That means 2 weeks (a couple), not a few. Good luck to all those small clans that won't be able to afford these new roles. Very short sighted devs.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! You stupid po' pieces o poo that don't have a new device suuuuuck!! XD You're so pathetic! I bet you wasted it all on your kids or a retirement plan! X'D If you don't drop a few hundred or more on a phone every year you obviously don't know how to monage your money, foooools! XD
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! The end of a Great Game... RIP iOS 5 and 6 Kaw Will start to go slow and extinc
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Indeed indeed That's exactly what I did. So stupid of me. A whole montage of mistakes financially
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! As per Apple: ~ 75% of devices run iOS 9 ~ 19% run iOS 8 ~ 7% run iOS 7 or earlier From a few external sources, less than 3% of people have iOS 6 or below, and many of these devices are actually able to be updated. Devices which are not eligible to upgrade to iOS 7 include: - iPod Touch 4th Generation (Sept 2010) - IPad 1st Generation (Apr 2010) - iPod Touch 3rd Generation (Sept 2009) - iPhone 3GS (June 2009) - iPod Touch 2nd Generation (Sept 2008) - iPhone 3G (July 2008) - iPod Touch 1st Generation (Sept 2007) - iPhone (June 2007)
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! I stand corrected. However with over 1 billion idevices in use, I highly doubt those numbers are accurate considering they drop support for older ios every other year. Those statistics are probably based on recent sales and not actual devices in use.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th! Those percentages are "As measured by the App Store on January 25, 2016" Source: