Clan Roles Launching January 27th! (UPDATED)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    I don't work for ATA but yes that's pretty much what I do for a living ;)

    Cella is pretty much free to play now so...
  2. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    To those arguing about the kindle situation, kindles run androind, just a modified version of it. KaW should upgrade same day on kindle as on Android due to same programming language and code
  3. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    Looks like you forgot to change the date in the thread title! :)
  4. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

  5. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    Kezzer the crying over old devices isn't the issue.
    I have xtals on an alt that I want transferred if I cannot access it.
    I lost 70 xtals when mochi died. Would just like an answer to whether that can be addressed.
    Quite happy for the account to die. I haven't touched it in months. But it was nice having it as a saving grace if needed.
  6. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    I lost an account with all 4 reset bonuses when mochi died which died in the time i was on a break for personal reasons. I never had the chance to transfer that account myself but I am not crying. You have the option to create a pc account and save the alt there.

    Also those xtals you have were they bought? If they were free products then why would they trade them to your main account? Think like a business for a second.

    Yes I understand you are upset same as how I was upset by losing my reset bonuses on the alt but I can't change that whereas you have a chance to at least save yours.
  7. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    I'm screwed
  8. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    Not true, kindle is governed by Amazon and like Apple, Amazon has to have an update submitted and authorized before releasing it. AtA had to do this once before, there are many ways to work around this issue on the internet that we are not allowed to discuss in forums.
  9. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Serious question devs...

    Will the clan roles be able to be purchased by multiple people, or just the owner / warlord?
  10. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Multiple people can purchase the clan roles.
  11. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th!

    Kezzer I have given at a loads of business advice over the years.
    I do understand totally.
    But I also play devils advocate and would like a simple dev answer to whether "purchased items" such as nobility and crystals can be transferred.
    No crying just asking a question that a few of us may have. And that we didn't have that much time to plan for.
    I believe this is a great game and for the most part community.
    But I also know that the number one thing in any business is customer care.
    And I would ask ata to address an unforeseen issue.
    Simple polite request.
    The same as asking how long is my warranty on my purchase. Can I exchange this item at a shop if faulty. Certainly not arguing with anyone over this.
    Even though I have voiced concerns for smaller clans. But I like all of us will see how both the update to clan structure and the new issue affect smaller clans and the alts that many of them have.
  12. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    WTF YOU SAID 26TH!!! I report you. Kappa
  13. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    As we can see, our dear loved devs are not even sure it wont nuketown the app so they just make it longer
  14. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Hey by all means if the items were purchased then speak to and they should be able to set things right.
  15. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Book soldier peasants a lot better but can't wait for the update!
  16. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

  17. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Think this is the worst idea yet let alone starting it during an event. *DISLIKE!*
  18. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Making it easier and easier to set this game down. Another horrible idea. No support. U devs r idiots when it comes to what is wanted on this game. Law going downhill fast. Doubt I'll see another year of this game. Horrible updates and ideas from devs. Way to go. Kill ur game off.
  19. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    Kaw *
  20. Re: Clan Roles Launching January 27th!

    The only part I disagree with, in this whole thing, is the dropping support for ios 5&6 after this update and I use droids. If I'm not mistaken about 70% of Apple users still use ios 6 and a good percentage of that may still be on ios 5. Correct me if I'm wrong. How ever you would be crippling your own game by dropping support for ios 6.