Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Link to ata account, use on PC or new device when it becomes officially outdated. I know it sucks, I'll have one I'll have to do that with.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Seems to me. Some of kezzers ideas made it to the structure. Good for him
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Devs this is the stupidest thing you could do. I'm gonna laugh as ppl quit because of this. See how popular you are after this feature.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! I think a longer window to transition would be more amicable, a day for a clan to pony up money to operate as it always has is kind of short -- if they gave clans a few weeks to start purchasing slots before admins are taken away, I could see it flowing better.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! It will be updated when you add a bit more money and buy a better device lol.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Considering that some Android phones are cheaper than Kindles doesn't make your argument any more valid.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Money doesn't always buy quality. If your Amazon kindles are so amazing then why do they have an 'inferior app store' compared to the Play store which is offered in the "cheaper" android phones? It's not me begging for an update because I have an inferior app store on my device
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! It's not like you have to use the Amazon App Store. I won't call out third parties due to the ToU but all I can say is look on the Internet. There is many quality app stores better than the Amazon App Store. An App Store doesn't make a product. Especially an Android/Kindle.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! An appstore does make a product lol. I doubt these so called Internet stores you mentioned will get you your KAW updates
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! For those complaining about old devices not working in the future it's pretty simple really. These old devices are used by a small fraction of the game now so the time and effort the devs put into each update for that version costs money. That means ATA money is used in order to allow a small % of players to player and of those players an even smaller % are paying players. This means that overall they are most likely losing money on those updates. This also means that the devs can't focus on fixing more important issues and adding new features because they are too busy making sure outdated models can play. Yes it sucks that you will no longer be able to use your ancient tech but that's life. It's like crying that new generation games don't work on old consoles.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Actually they will. Ask me for an SS. The App Store I use pushed out the latest update while the Amazon App Store didn't.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Kezzer are you ATA's financial advisor/Accountant? Because that explanation was spot on lol.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! But the devs make a crap ton of money from Cella buying seals all the time
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! Moral of the story to old device users: Use a PC. But still, KaW just destroyed two of my Alts.
Re: Clan Roles Launching January 26th! It means redstar and cella were using old devices however since their income dried up no need to cater to the real peasants irl