G Fuel

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Nefarious, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. G Fuel

    What is G Fuel?
    G Fuel is an energy supplement that will give you energy without giving you the jitters or crashes energy drinks give you.. Used for a variety of things ranging from Gaming (Which it is known for) working out, ETC

    I made this thread to ask for everyone's input on the product if you have had it before.. I ordered Fruit Punch & Pineapple..
    My Questions
    Does G Fuel taste good? Rate 1-10
    Is it worth it's very large price of $30 - $40?
    What's your favorite flavor?

    Hopefully everyone enjoyed my thread☺️

  2. 10/10


    All of them
  3. Imgfit pls
  4. There ya go nub
  5. I dont want to know how many crap they put in there, probably enough to make a dirty bomb.
  6. Not gonna lie the first half of the thread just looks like you are advertizing and the second half looks like it's trying to recover from it and badly too...
  7. Rate: 10

    Favourite flavour: FaZe Berry

    Very worth it.
  8. Nice
  9. It is actually good for you believe it or not.. It has a lot of vitamins & no sugar
  10. First Half = Me explaining to people who don't know what the product is get a better understanding of what it is.. Me trying to help a bad thing?
    Second Half = There has to be a point to a thread.. Can't just make one about telling what it is & have no point to it
  11. What's wrong with a little H20?
    Your body is made up of it.
    Therefore you should replenish it with water.
    Not energy drinks, sports drinks unless you're doing excessive activity where you need that extra boost and can burn it off.

    But meh.

    edit:Your thread also lacks consistency in the bbcoding specifically for the headings and body.
    Italics, bold and size changes for headings and the body text changed colors randomly. (Add-on to Kezzer's post)
  12. 10/10 Best ever.
    Fav flavor: Newb Wreker
    I cri evry tym
  13. I'll just keep drinking redbull and monster nty
  14. I get enough of this crap on the offers page.

    But, whatever, support.
  15. I'll have a Red Bull thank you.
  16. Hmmm I'm not sure. This thread seems a bit nefarious.....
  19. Three years is old school pvp? Change your banner and maybe people can take things you do a little more serious? lol jk but a friend of mine has talked about this before. He said it was worth it in his opinion.
  20. Lol & alright cool.. Just making sure it isn't a rip off