I think idevice looks much nicer however the fact it doesn't tell you actives in enemy ebs is a bit of a turn off, however the no block list for android also is.
I hear the iphone's screen is big enough to see now. Next year you might even be able to read whats on it!
iPhones?? What...you're telling me you bought into Apples crap?.... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well aren't you just a precious lil sheep They're so cheap they glue the battery's in, then screw in the back so you dont see their shoddy work But hey, if you enjoy buying a new phone every year, by all means, keep buying iPhones
I thought i move samsung most of m8s got it so why not.. but i sold my iphone 6s dint like the new 6s that why i moved to edge.. Any ways i order iphone6 just wait till iphone 7 comes out october or november
exactly this lol ... I've known so many people who start with Apple phones then try Android. They wind up going right back to Apple (every one of them). Me, being one of them. I've never known anyone who started out Android then tried Apple and went back to Android. I'm the 1st to admit PC is better then Mac. I've even tried Windows phones and honestly they aren't bad at all (still prefer Safari OS for mobile) and I don't have a problem with Samsung or any of the products they make. It's just that Android as an OS SUCKS ....sowwy
And your claim isn't really accurate. I've been an Android user for years, now I'm iOS user until Galaxy S7 will be released.
...well hopefully you won't be unemployed forever. I hope you get a job again someday and can afford Apple products again
IN B4 LOCK OP has spoken ...he's going back to Apple request lock OP. I won the auction on OP Samsung (£1) (gonna mail the damn thing thing back to North Korea )
Todd i wish you that one day you'll stop being needed to borrow money in order to buy a decent phone.
"It's true: Android is the poor man's phone worldwide" Android’s market share globally is closely tied to the spending power of a particular market and it dominates in low-income countries, a survey of real-time usage has confirmed. Android has 92.25 per cent of the Egyptian smartphone market, ranked 120th in GDP per capita, and 88.71 per cent in India, ranked 142nd. By contrast, Google takes just 20.14 per cent share in Taiwan and under 32 per cent in Denmark Sweden, Norway and Australia. The figures are drawn from monitoring web usage in retail, and were collected by 51Degrees, which does device detection for website operators. Real-time usage is a more accurate reflection of what people are actually using – rather than shipments of new devices into the channel. Overall, four out of five smartphones sold in the world are Androids. That’s no surprise. Apple happily takes its profits from the thirty richest economies in the world and dominates in the top ten richest. Also, Apple doesn’t sell cheaper devices: even its “cheaper” iPhone 5C was still expensive (and backed by expensive promotion). On launch, the bill of materials for the 5C was estimated to be $179 while the model retailed for $549 – more than many had expected. That priced it beyond the reach of many Chinese. But why should Apple care? China remains 89th in the global ranking of GDP per capita. So as long as Apple retains its brand, consumer markets in emerging markets will pay the premium for the brand, regarding Android as a training ground. "Android is for poor people" We have recently been examining the case that Android phones are bought by poor peoplewhile Apple's iPhones serve the 1% (or at least the richest 11.7% of the market). "Poor" is a relative term here, and some people don't like hearing it. See the comments under this story, for instance. We're talking about "the poor" in a macroeconomic sense. Per capita income in the U.S. is about $47,000 annually. In India it's just $3,560, according to the World Bank. One of these groups is "poor" by comparison. Yesterday, market research group IDC published some data that makes this case far more cogently than we've been able to so far. Nearly 60% of Android phones sold cost less than $200. Android's core market barely bothers with the $200 to $400 midrange, and only about 20% of sales are in the premium $400-plus area Apple, with its iOS mobile operating system, by contrast, sells the vast majority of its devices — more than 80% — in the $400-plus range. The company barely bothers with the midrange, and it sells zero phones under $200. Android phone makers could price their wares in the $200 to $400 range — but they don't. They sell most phones for $200 or less. That strongly suggests that Android makers know there is a huge chunk of the market that is price-sensitive on phones. Price isn't an exact proxy for consumer income of course. Some people who buy a $200 phone can afford a $400 but choose the cheaper one anyway. Nevertheless, it is also true that anyone who buys an Apple phone at $400-plus can also afford a $200 handset but chooses not to. Meanwhile, anyone who can afford only a $200 phone cannot, by definition, buy an Apple phone. Those people are "Android people," whether they like it or not. Don't assume this is just a few poor people skewing Android's numbers, by the way. Eighty-five percent of all smartphones sold are Android phones. Android is good proxy for all of humanity, in other words, and humanity mostly wants a smartphone for under $200.
Lmao! yea, thats why my Samsung cost more than any iphone...that and my androids spec's leave any iphone for dead But as long as ur happy buying trash, thats all that matters